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安全防线->入侵检测 共78条下载 分8页 |<< << [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] >> >>|
garuda-0.2.1.tgz 2006-02-27

工具来源:garuda.sourceforge.net 一款使用在 UNIX/Linux 上的无线网络IDS 使用特征比对的方式来侦测攻击 它宣称可以侦测到 War-Driving, 恶意的A), WiFi 的 DoS 攻击 还有 MAC地址的伪造.....等等现在常见的无线网络攻击技术 只是不知道它在侦测到攻击时能不能有 "阻挡" 的功能...... 我没有笔记本电脑和无线...[全部内容]

KProcCheck-0.1 2006-02-27

工具来源:http://www.security.org.sg/code/kproccheck.html Win32 Kernel Rootkits hide running processes from users using techniques like Kernel Native API Hooking, or by directly unlinking the process's EPROCESS entry from ActiveProcessLinks. Such techniques are very effective in hiding processes,...[全部内容]

skdetect-0.4b.tar.gz 2006-02-27

工具来源:http://tsd.student.utwente.nl/skdetect/ skdetect scans the current running system for the suckit rootkit. The source is based on sk-1.3b. Unneeded/unwanted code is removed and the install code is rewritten to only detect the backdoor. ...[全部内容]

paros3.1.1win 2006-02-24

工具来源:http://www.proofsecure.com/index.shtml A program for people who need to evaluate the security of their web applications. It is free of charge and completely written in Java. Through Paros's proxy nature, all HTTP and HTTPS data between server and client, including cookies and form field...[全部内容]

casi_v1.1 2006-02-24

CASI是一个用VB编写的PHP注入补助工具,利用MySQL的load_file()函数读取文件,原理请查看BST的《Advanced SQL Injection with MySQL》,此工具为免费版本,功能较为单一有局限性,BST不卖收费版,有需要请和作者联系。 1.1功能列表 猜数据表查询的字段数量 在任意字段的位置上读取文件内容...[全部内容]

rkhunter-1.0.5.tar.gz 2006-02-24

工具来源:http://www.rootkit.nl/projects/rootkit_hunter.html Rootkit scanner is scanning tool to ensure you for about 99.9% you're clean of nasty tools. This tool scans for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits by running tests like: - MD5 hash compare - Look for default files used by rootki...[全部内容]

klister-0.4 2006-02-24

New klister, version 0.4, which is now available on rootkit.com, fixes this mistake, and is now able to detect all process hidden also by PHIDE. ...[全部内容]

knlps v0.4 2006-02-24

工具来源:http://www.rootkit.com New klister, version 0.4, which is now available on rootkit.com, fixes this mistake, and is now able to detect all process hidden also by PHIDE. ...[全部内容]

RKDetectorv0.62 2006-02-24

工具来源:http://www.haxorcitos.com/ Rootkit Detector V0.62 for windows 2K/XP/2k3 2004.02.06 可以检测出多个Windows 下的Rootkit ,机器安装上hxdef.100后 运行RKDetectorv,hxdef马上现形,现在hxdef 很流行,建议 每个管理员人手一份 ...[全部内容]

RKDetectorv0.61 2006-02-24

工具来源:http://www.haxorcitos.com/ 可以检测出多个Windows 下的Rootkit ,机器安装上hxdef.100后 运行RKDetectorv,hxdef马上现形,现在hxdef 很流行,建议 每个管理员人手一份 . ...[全部内容]

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