TGA文件转换为GIF文件。 |
TGA文件转换为GIF文件。 |
留言簿小程序 |
[程序语言] IE3, IE4, IE5, NS3, NS4+
[功能描述] 该小程序可以使得你在留言簿留言,并且可以把所留的言通过email发送到指定的地址。
<applet code="gb2.class" width=175 height=100>
<param name=APPLET_IMAGE value="icons155.gif">
<param name=LOGO_IMAGE value="gblogo.gif">
<param name=RECEIVER value="">
<param name=BGCOLOR value="000000">
<param name=FGCOLOR value="FFFFFF">
CImageObject 这个类库可以处理BMP、GIF、PCX、TGA、JPG |
CImageObject 这个类库可以处理BMP、GIF、PCX、TGA、JPG、TIF格式的图像文件,而且具有图像点处理、图像区域处理的功能,你所要做的只是调用函数而已,不必清楚这些图像文件的内部格式。注意例子中并不包含类库的代码,请一起下载CImageObject代码。另外,在运行时请确保在系统目录或你的可执行文件目录下有ImageLoad.dll。(也在CImageObject中) |
bills_clock模拟时钟Java小程序 |
[程序语言] IE3, IE4, IE5, NS3, NS4+
[功能描述] 一个简单的模拟时钟,带有秒针。HTML文档内容:
<applet code="billsClock.class" width=150 height=150>
<param name=BGCOLOR value="FFFFFF">
<param name=FACECOLOR value="FFFFFF">
<param name=SWEEPCOLOR value="990000">
<param name=MINUTECOLOR value="009900">
<param name=HOURCOLOR value="000099">
<param name=TEXTCOLOR value="660000">
<param name=CASECOLOR value="990000">
<param name=TRIMCOLOR value="FFCCCC">
<param name=LOCALONLY value=1>
<param name=LOGOIMAGEURL value="java.gif">
读写Gif文件的元件TGifImage |
TGifImage component with test program and accompanying units which can read and write GIF files (including animated Gifs) and convert from and to TBitmap (.BMP).
最小巧的动态Gif控件,完全免费,看看它的Gif解码算法是怎样的。 |
最小巧的动态Gif控件,完全免费,看看它的Gif解码算法是怎样的。 |
广告条管理组件,可以管理各种内容的广告,支持简单GIF图,Java和HTM广告, |
广告条管理组件,可以管理各种内容的广告,支持简单GIF图,Java和HTM广告,交换连接和外部广告服务器 |
播放Gif文件的DLL |
GIFView is a freeware DLL for converting a GIF image from a file or data buffer to a Windows bitmap resource. The two DLL functions return a handle of type HBITMAP. A freeware component (TGif, descendant of TImage) is provided to show how to dynamically load the DLL and use the functions.
播放Gif文件的单元模块 |
By using this unit, your programs will recognize the .GIF file format. It uses the GIF87a and GIF89a formats. It uses the standard Delphi way of expanding the Graphics unit to include new formats. You can use these units in any non-commercial programs.
AdNow可以随机产生和旋转广告条,支持GIF,动画GIF和JPEG, 根据We |
AdNow可以随机产生和旋转广告条,支持GIF,动画GIF和JPEG, 根据Web位置不同可以分组管理,例如在页面顶部的Banner和在左边的Button |
取出EXE文件中的位图资源 |
Simay's TUniBitmap is a Bitmap component created according to Herbert J.Beemster's free TLZRBitmap at first and there is implementing the capability of reading bitmap from resources linked into .EXE for 16 bit, too. This is according to Borland's code from D3. Another capability read bitmap direct from a TPicture, TIcon and HIcon, TBitmap and HBitmap and TMetafile. The Unibitmap component now is creatable direct from TStream and File giving FileName as String. Some Delphi.TBitmap's procedure are also implementing to function for serve a Delphi.TBitmap. Two other component is supplemented to read ZSoft's PCX and static GIF (or the 1st frame of animated one). A 32 bit version of updated imageCompress program (BmpPr32.exe) is also included, which can read *.bmp, *.dib, *.gif, *.ico, *.wmf, *.blz, *.jpg, *.pcx, *.clp, and *.lbm images and convert them to two way compressed BLZ-file compressing the full image or only the palette and pixel data.
一个完全利用VB函数、Timer控件和Image控件而不利用任何其它控件实现的G |
一个完全利用VB函数、Timer控件和Image控件而不利用任何其它控件实现的Gif动态图形显示的程序。 |
HTML、JPG、GIF文件浏览器(利用IE控件) |
HTML、JPG、GIF文件浏览器(利用IE控件) |
用你自己的冒险精神! |
Nviewlib.Dll (32.bit) Use With Your Own Risk! Jpeg And GIF Display Dll Which Should be Able to Use in vb 4.0(32 Bit), Delphi 2.0, C, C .
读写显示Gif文件的元件 |
Full TGraphic implementation of the GIF graphics format. Reads, writes and displays animated and transparent GIFs and can convert to and from any format supported by TGraphic (e.g TBitmap, TJPEGImage, TIcon, TMetaFile etc.). Implements the complete GIF87a and GIF89a specification and most common GIF extensions. Advanced features include:
Integrates with TPicture to add GIF support to the TImage, TOpenPictureDialog and TSavePictureDialog components. Also works at design time.
Imports images with more than 256 colors using color quantization and 6 different dithering methods (e.g. floyd s!teinberg).
LZW-less compression. Optionally saves GIFs without using the LZW algorithm. This means no more royalties to Unisys if you only write GIFs.
Multi threaded drawing engine.
GIF optimizer reduces the size of your GIFs.
GIF to AVI and AVI to GIF converter.
Extensive help and many examples included.