感谢网友Keyes提供移植用的Delphi源代码。其调用方式为$txt=gbtobig5($txt)。 (注:源代码中的include "data_gb.php";这个文件在就是一个数组,在http://caocao.oso.com.cn/data_gb.zip,请编辑下载到oso上,做一个链接,因为这个文件我过几天就要删除了。)
<? /*********************************************************************** Written by caocao caocao@eastday.com http://caocao.oso.com.cn With the help of Keyes Keyes2000@263.net http://my-wjl.scu.edu.cn/~Keyes ***********************************************************************/ function isgb($code) { if (strlen($code)>=2) { $code=strtok($code,""); if ((ord($code[0]) < 161)||(ord($code[0]) >= 247)) { return (0); } else { if ((ord($code[1]) <= 161)||(ord($code[1]) >= 254)) { return (0); } else { return (1); } } } else { return (1); } }
function gboffset($code) { if (strlen($code) >= 2) { $code=strtok($code,""); return ((ord($code[0]) - 161) * 94 + (ord($code[1]) - 161)); } else { return(-1); } }
function wordtostring($code) { return (chr(hexdec(substr($code,0,2))).chr(hexdec(substr($code,2,2)))); }
function gbtobig5($code) { include "data_gb.php"; $output=""; $length=strlen($code); $code=strtok($code,""); $idx=0; while ($idx < $length) { $tmpStr=$code[$idx].$code[$idx+1]; if (isgb($tmpStr)) { $offset=gboffset($tmpStr); if (($offset >= 0)||($offset <= 8177)) { $output.=wordtostring($gborder[$offset]); $idx++; } else { $output.= $code[$idx]; } } else { $output.= $code[$idx]; } $idx++; } return ($output); }; ?>