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技术文档 > Web开发 > PHP
发表日期:2004-07-22 18:09:02作者: 出处:  

类文件 search_replace.inc

        class search_replace{

                var $find;
                var $replace;
                var $files;
                var $directories;
                var $include_subdir;
                var $ignore_lines;
                var $ignore_sep;
                var $occurences;
                var $search_function;
                var $last_error;

                function search_replace($find, $replace, $files, $directories = ', $include_subdir = 1, $ignore_lines = array()){

                        $this->find            = $find;
                        $this->replace         = $replace;
                        $this->files           = $files;
                        $this->directories     = $directories;
                        $this->include_subdir  = $include_subdir;
                        $this->ignore_lines    = $ignore_lines;

                        $this->occurences      = 0;
                        $this->search_function = 'search';
                        $this->last_error      = ';


        ** Accessor for retrieving occurences.
                function get_num_occurences(){
                        return $this->occurences;

                function get_last_error(){
                        return $this->last_error;

                function set_find($find){
                        $this->find = $find;

                function set_replace($replace){
                        $this->replace = $replace;

                function set_files($files){
                        $this->files = $files;

                function set_directories($directories){
                        $this->directories = $directories;

        //设置目录变量 set_include_subdir
                function set_include_subdir($include_subdir){
                        $this->include_subdir = $include_subdir;

                function set_ignore_lines($ignore_lines){
                        $this->ignore_lines = $ignore_lines;

                function set_search_function($search_function){
                                case 'normal': $this->search_function = 'search';
                                               return TRUE;

                                case 'quick' : $this->search_function = 'quick_search';
                                               return TRUE;

                                case 'preg'  : $this->search_function = 'preg_search';
                                               return TRUE;

                                case 'ereg'  : $this->search_function = 'ereg_search';
                                               return TRUE;

                                default      : $this->last_error      = 'Invalid search function specified';
                                               return FALSE;

                function search($filename){

                        $occurences = 0;
                        $file_array = file($filename);

                        for($i=0; $i<count($file_array); $i++){
                                $continue_flag = 0;
                                if(count($this->ignore_lines) > 0){
                                        for($j=0; $j<count($this->ignore_lines); $j++){
                                                if(substr($file_array[$i],0,strlen($this->ignore_lines[$j])) == $this->ignore_lines[$j]) $continue_flag = 1;
                                if($continue_flag == 1) continue;
                                $occurences += count(explode($this->find, $file_array[$i])) - 1;
                                $file_array[$i] = str_replace($this->find, $this->replace, $file_array[$i]);
                        if($occurences > 0) $return = array($occurences, implode(', $file_array)); else $return = FALSE;
                        return $return;


                function quick_search($filename){


                        $file       = fread($fp = fopen($filename, 'r'), filesize($filename)); fclose($fp);
                        $occurences = count(explode($this->find, $file)) - 1;
                        $file       = str_replace($this->find, $this->replace, $file);

                        if($occurences > 0) $return = array($occurences, $file); else $return = FALSE;
                        return $return;


                function preg_search($filename){


                        $file       = fread($fp = fopen($filename, 'r'), filesize($filename)); fclose($fp);
                        $occurences = count($matches = preg_split($this->find, $file)) - 1;
                        $file       = preg_replace($this->find, $this->replace, $file);

                        if($occurences > 0) $return = array($occurences, $file); else $return = FALSE;
                        return $return;


                function ereg_search($filename){


                        $file = fread($fp = fopen($filename, 'r'), filesize($filename)); fclose($fp);

                        $occurences = count($matches = split($this->find, $file)) -1;
                        $file       = ereg_replace($this->find, $this->replace, $file);

                        if($occurences > 0) $return = array($occurences, $file); else $return = FALSE;
                        return $return;


                function writeout($filename, $contents){

                        if($fp = @fopen($filename, 'w')){
                                fwrite($fp, $contents);
                                $this->last_error = 'Could not open file: '.$filename;


                function do_files($ser_func){
                        if(!is_array($this->files)) $this->files = explode(',', $this->files);
                        for($i=0; $i<count($this->files); $i++){
                                if($this->files[$i] == '.' OR $this->files[$i] == '..') continue;
                                if(is_dir($this->files[$i]) == TRUE) continue;
                                $newfile = $this->$ser_func($this->files[$i]);
                                if(is_array($newfile) == TRUE){
                                        $this->writeout($this->files[$i], $newfile[1]);
                                        $this->occurences += $newfile[0];

                function do_directories($ser_func){
                        if(!is_array($this->directories)) $this->directories = explode(',', $this->directories);
                        for($i=0; $i<count($this->directories); $i++){
                                $dh = opendir($this->directories[$i]);
                                while($file = readdir($dh)){
                                        if($file == '.' OR $file == '..') continue;

                                        if(is_dir($this->directories[$i].$file) == TRUE){
                                                if($this->include_subdir == 1){
                                                        $this->directories[] = $this->directories[$i].$file.'/';

                                        $newfile = $this->$ser_func($this->directories[$i].$file);
                                        if(is_array($newfile) == TRUE){
                                                $this->writeout($this->directories[$i].$file, $newfile[1]);
                                                $this->occurences += $newfile[0];

                function do_search(){
                        if($this->find != '){
                                if((is_array($this->files) AND count($this->files) > 0) OR $this->files != ') $this->do_files($this->search_function);
                                if($this->directories != ')                                       $this->do_directories($this->search_function);

        } // End of class



        include('search_replace.inc');  //将文件包括进来


        $sr = new search_replace('asp', 'php', array('test.txt')); //调用搜索与替换
        $sr->set_search_function('quick');   //设置搜索条件


        header('Content-Type: text/plain');
        echo '发现和替换以下几个地方: '.$sr->get_num_occurences()." ";
        echo '啊,错误发生如下.............: '.$sr->get_last_error()." ";


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