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技术文档 > Web开发 > PHP
发表日期:2004-07-23 16:37:32作者: 出处:  



  function check_strlen_long($txt)
for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++)
if (ord($txt[$i])<128)
  { $count=$count+1;}
  if (ord($txt[$i])==10 or ord($txt[$i])==32)
  if ($count>=60)  
  return $txt;

function encode ($txt)
return $message;

if ($job=="addreply" and $replyname!="" and $replycontent!="")
$time = date(Y年m月d日H小时i分);
$content[$record-1]=substr($content[$record-1],0,strlen($content[$i])-1); $content[$record-1]=$content[$record-1]."<!--reply><tr><td colspan=4><ul><font color=#AB00E1>回复内容:</font><br>".$replycontent."<br>回复人大名:".$replyname."<br><font color=#CC33FF>时间:$time 来自:$ip</font></ul><hr size=1 color=blue></td></tr>n";
for ($i=0;$i<$count;$i++)
  echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=1;url=guest.php>";

A:link {text-decoration: none ; color:0000ff}
A:visited {text-decoration: none; color:004080}
A:active {text-decoration: none}
A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color:ff0000}
TH {FONT-SIZE: 10pt}
TD {FONT-SIZE: 10pt}
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" background="back.gif">
<div align=center >
  <? include('head.htm');?>
  <table border= 1  width= 65%  height= 169 cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#E3E3E3" >
    <form method= POST  action=reply.php >
      if ($Submit)
        if ($replyname=="" or $replycontent=="")
      echo"<tr align=left valign=middle bgcolor=#F0F0F0> ";
      echo"<td width= 100%  height= 31 > ";
      echo "<font color=red>出错了</font>回复人姓名和回复内容必填!";
      <? echo $disptext ?>  
      <tr align="left" valign="middle" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">  
        <td width= 100%  height= 31 bgcolor="#FFFFFF" > 回复大名  
          <input type= text  name= replyname  size= 20 >
      <tr valign="middle">  
        <td width= 100%  height= 26  align= left bgcolor="#f0f0f0" >  
      <tr align="center">  
        <td width= 100%  height= 52  valign= top bgcolor="#FFFFFF" >  
          <textarea rows= 6  name= replycontent  cols= 46 wrap="VIRTUAL" ></textarea>
      <tr valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">  
        <td width= 100%  height= 14 bgcolor="#f0f0f0" >  
          <input type=hidden name=job value=addreply>
          <input type=hidden name=record value=<? echo $record ?>>
          <input type= submit  value= 提交  name=Submit >
          <input type=reset value= 重写  name= B2 >
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