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技术文档 > Web开发 > PHP
发表日期:2004-07-23 18:45:17作者: 出处:  

通过一个小时的研究和设置.实现了最新的 PHP 5.0 + MYSQL 5.0 + WIN2003.


相关软件均可以在 WWW.SKYCN.NET 下载.



首先安装 MYSQL .本来以为新版本的安装界面应该会花哨点.
但是仍然只看到老土的海豚.除了安装时间比 4.0 长.当然咯.因为 5.0 比 4.0 体积大很多.

推荐安装在独立的 NTFS 分区上.比如我服务器的 F盘.只放服务器软件.
路径为: F:MYSQL

然后进入 F:MYSQLBIN 鼠标双点 winmysqladmin.exe
首次运行会提示输入超级用户和密码.就输入 root 密码 root
注意啊.如果是对外服务器请设置超级复杂.比如 Wjwsfjn29szjwh~mysql
翻译过来就是: 我叫魏舒芬.今年29岁至今未婚.



下面安装 PHP 5.0 其实没什么安装不安装的.解压缩文件.推荐放到
路径为: F:PHP

首先复制 PHP 目录下的 Php.ini-dist 到 C:Windows 并将文件名修改成为 Php.ini

COPY F:PHPPhp.ini-dist C:Windows
Ren Php.ini-dist Php.ini

如果是 WINDOWS 2000 就是: C:WINNT
如果是 WIN9X / 2003 就是: C:Windows

然后复制 PHP 目录下 DLLS 目录里的所有文件到 SYSTEM32 目录.

COPY F:PHPdlls*.* C:WindowsSystem32

如果是 WINDOWS 2000 就是: C:WINNTSystem32
如果是 WIN9X / 2003 就是: C:WindowsSystem32

继续.复制PHP目录下 php4ts.dll 文件到 System32 目录里.

COPY F:PHPphp4ts.dll C:WindowsSystem32


到这里复制工作全部完成.下面修改 C:WindowsPhp.ini 文件.


查找 extension_dir 字串.修改为你 PHP 目录里 extensions 的路径.

; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
extension_dir = F:PHPextensions


Edit your php.ini file:

You will need to change the 'extension_dir' setting to
point to your php-install-dir, or where you have placed
your 'php_*.dll' files. ex: c:php

If you are using OmniHTTPd, do not follow the next step.
Set the 'doc_root' to point to your webservers
document_root. ex: c:apachehtdocs or c:webroot

Choose which extensions you would like to load when PHP
starts, noting that several extensions are already built
into the Windows release, see the section about
Windows extensions for details of the built-in extensions.
You can uncomment the: 'extension=php_*.dll' lines
in php.ini to load these extensions.

Note that on a new installation it is advisable to first get
PHP working and tested without any extensions before enabling
them in php.ini.

On PWS and IIS, you can set the browscap.ini
to point to: 'c:windowssysteminetsrvrowscap.ini' on
Windows 9x/Me and 'c:winntsystem32inetsrvrowscap.ini'
on NT/2000/XP Server.

More information on the capabilities of browscap can be found here:


Note that the mibs directory supplied with the Windows distribution
contains support files for SNMP. This directory should be moved to
DRIVE:usrmibs (DRIVE being the drive where PHP is installed.)

然后与 PHP 4.0 不同的是.需要修改 Php.ini 文件里的如下内容:
查找 cgi.force_redirect 字串.默认值为1.将其修改为0.并取消前面的;号.


; cgi.force_redirect is necessary to provide security running PHP as a CGI under
; most web servers. Left undefined, PHP turns this on by default. You can
; turn it off here AT YOUR OWN RISK
; **You CAN safely turn this off for IIS, in fact, you MUST.**
cgi.force_redirect = 0

切记如上修改的地方.否则PHP 5.0是无法运行的.会有如下提示.

Security Alert! The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly.


!NOTE!: Since 4.1.2, the php.ini setting cgi.force_redirect defaults to '1'
which effectively prevents the cgi from working within IIS. You need to set
up at least a minimal php.ini file with the following directive:

cgi.force_redirect = 0

If it doesn't work immidiately, make sure you have the php.ini file in the
right place (%SYSTEMROOT%php.ini).

接下来修改 Php.ini 文件关于 MYSQL 5.0 的设置.

查找 [MySQL] 字段内的内容.修改如下.

mysql.default_port = 3306
// 这里是MYSQL的端口.

mysql.default_host = localhost
// 这里是本地主机.

mysql.default_user = root
// 这里是用户

mysql.default_password = Wjwsfjn29szjwh~mysql
// 这里是密码

修改到这里就可以让 Php 与 MYSQL 关联了.
最后启动 PHP 对 MYSQL 模块支持.

查找 extension=php_mysql.dll 字串.删除掉前面的 ; 号


请注意.如果不启动 PHP 对 MYSQL 模块支持.将无法使 PHPMYADMIN 正常工作.将提示:

cannot load MySQL extension, please check PHP Configuration
无法装入 MySQL 扩展,请检查 PHP 的配置。


To connect to a MySQL server, PHP needs a set of MySQL functions called "MySQL extension".
This extension may be part of the PHP distribution (compiled-in), otherwise it needs to be loaded dynamically.
Its name is probably mysql.so or php_mysql.dll. phpMyAdmin tried to load the extension but failed.



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