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JBuilder 4 Enterprise: How can I integrate WebLogic Application Server 6.0 with JBuilder 4 Enterprise? - by Borland Developer Support Staff

Abstract:Experimental steps that may allow you to integrate WebLogic Application Server 6.0 with JBuilder 4 Enterprise.


How can I integrate JBuilder 4 with WebLogic Application Server 6.0?

How to integrate JBuilder4 Enterprise edition with WebLogic Application Server 6.0.

DISCLAIMER: these suggestions are not supported by Borland. You will not receive support for any problems encountered from using these instructions. Use them at your own risk.

Abstract: JBuilder 4 Enterprise edition has support built into it specifically for WebLogic 5.1. This document describes a series of steps that will allow JBuilder to work with WebLogic 6.0. Completing the entire set of steps should allow you to use the JBuilder 4 Object Gallery templates and wizards for Enterprise Java Beans with WebLogic 6.0.

The basic steps are as follows:

  1. Create a subdirectory under $WL_HOME and touch a file to satisfy an internal JBuilder 4 check for the WebLogic 5.1 AppServer.
  2. Enable the JBuilder 4 Enterprise features.
  3. Define/Add a new Application Server to JBuilder known list of Appservers.
  4. Create your JBuilder project and, using the Object Gallery, select the EJB you wish to create and set that projects Enterprise property to the newly defined/added Application from JBuilder's known list of Appservers.

NOTE: In these instructions you will see parameters like WL_HOME. These parameters refer to various WebLogic path values, "WL_HOME" referring to the WebLogic home directory. You will need to fill in the values for these parameters as appropriate. NOTE: DO NOT USE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES WHEN FILLING IN JBUILDER SETUP DIALOG BOXES.

Complete Steps:

  • When JBuilder 4 looks for the WebLogic server it assumes version 5.1 will be found and uses the presence of a certain file to insure itself that everything is where it should be. To satisfy that check when using WebLogic 6.0 you need to create that file in the location that JBuilder expects to find it.

    From an MKS shell change directory to the $WL_HOME and create a subdirectory tree called classes/weblogic. Next create a file in that sub-subdirectory called Server.class, for example:

    cd d:/bea/weblogic
    mkdir -p classes/weblogic
    touch classes/weblogic/Server.class
  • To enable the JBuilder 4 Enterprise features you need to setup the Inprise and Weblogic Application Servers plus VisiBroker:
    • Install JBuilder.
    • Install Inprise Application Server (IAS) 4.1.

    In some versions of JBuilder VisiBroker 4.0 is included on your JBuilder CD. Do NOT install this version of VisiBroker. IAS 4.1 includes a different version of VisiBroker. After the installation of IAS, you need to setup the JBuilder VisiBroker Configuration:

    1. Run JBuilder and go to the Tools | Enterprise Setup dialog and select the CORBA tab.
    2. Select VisiBroker from the list of CORBA Configurations and click the Edit button.
    3. For the path to the ORB tools, enter the location of the IAS 4.1 tools e.g. D:/Inprise/appserver/bin
    4. Create a Required Library by pressing the "Set..." button next to the "Select or create a library..." combobox.
    5. Enter a name for this Required Library such as "IAS 4.1".
    6. Click Add button and find your IAS 4.1 installation directory. Goto the /lib directory and select all the jars. Choosing all jars will allow you to develop and run/debug EJBs and CORBA applications.
    7. Click OK to save the Required Library.
    8. Click OK to save the VisiBroker Configuration.
    9. While still in the Tools | Enterprise Setup dialog go to the APPLICATION SERVER tab.
    10. Select IAS and fill in the text box for IAS installation directory, e.g. D:/Inprise/AppServer
    11. Select WebLogic 5.1 and fill in the text box for the Weblogic installation directory, e.g. D:/bea/wlserver6.0
    12. Click OK to save your Application Server configurations.

  • When JBuilder associates the WebLogic AppServer with your EJB project it uses the AppServer definition to derive path and setup information with the expectation of finding Weblogic 5.1. You can take advantage of this expectation and define/add a new WebLogic 6.0 AppServer to the list of JBuilder 4 AppServers. MUCH OF THIS INFORMATION MUST BE ENTERED EXACTLY AS DESCRIBED BELOW FOR THIS TO WORK.

    1. In the file appserver.properties which is found under the user's .jbuilder4 directory add an entry to the front of the appserver.names property called "wlserver6.0", e.g appserver.names=wlserver6.0;Inprise Application Server 4.1;EJB 1.1;WebLogic Application Server 5.1
    2. Go the Project | Project Properties dialog and select the ENTERPRISE tab.
    3. Click on the "Application Server" elipsis button on the left.
    4. There will be a blank entry in the list of AppServers. Select the blank entry and click the "Edit" button. An Application Server Properties dialog should appear.
    5. Enter the information exactly as listed below, with the only substitute being your values for the paths where you have your WebLogic installed :

      Name: wlserver6.0
      Version: 6.0
      Main Class: weblogic.Server
      VM parameters: -classic -ms64m -mx64m -Dweblogic.system.home=d:/bea/wlserver6.0 -Dbea.home=d:/bea -Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy==d:/bea/wlserver6.0/lib/weblogic.policy -Dweblogic.Domain=mydomain -Dweblogic.Name=myserver
      Server parameter: (leave blank)

      Next enter the path that represents your BEA_HOME (not WL_HOME) directory, e.g. D:/bea

      Lastly, with the CLASS tab selected in the bottom of the dialog, ADD the path to both weblogic_sp.jar and weblogic.jar, which are in the WebLogic Server 6.0 /lib directory.

  • Final Steps:

    1. Create a JBuilder project the same way you normally would.
    2. Select Project | Project Properties and click on the Enterprise tab.
    3. Click on the Application Server elipsis button and choose the WebLogic AppServer named wlserver6.0 (the WebLogic Appserver you defined/added previously).
    4. Click OK to save your AppServer selection.
    5. While still in the Project Properties dialog, select the PATHS tab and set the Working directory to your BEA_HOME path, e.g. D:/bea
    6. While still in the Project Properties dialog, select the RUN tab and then the EJB tab. De-select the 2 check boxes at the bottom of the dialog. Also make sure that the VM parameters are the same as the ones you specified for your WebLogic Server above.
    7. Select File | New to bring up the Object Gallery dialog. Select the Enterprise tab, select the Enterprise Javabean icon and click ok.
    8. Choose a name for your EJB group in the EJB Wizard step 1-of-3. Note: select the HELP button here if you want some more explamation on EJB groups and deployment descriptors from the JBuilder 4 online Help.
    9. Fill in the EJB Wizard step 2-of-3 dialog with names and types. If you just want to test your setup use a stateless session bean.
    10. Click Next and fill in the EJB wizard step 3-of-3 with your interface names. If you just want to test your setup simply accept the defaults given and click Finish.
    11. Build your project. If your setup is correct your project should build correctly.

DISCLAIMER: these suggestions are not supported by Borland, use them at your own risk.


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Borland JBuilder 4.x

Linux x.x; Red Hat Linux 6.2, 7.0; Solaris 2.6, 2.7; Windows 2000 1.0; Windows 98 1.0; Windows NT 4.0, 4.0 SP5

Article ID: 26796   Publish Date: February 05, 2001  Last Modified: February 20, 2001


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