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技术文档 > C#.Net
发表日期:2003-06-05 00:00:00作者:C 出处:  

namespace POP3Client


 using System.IO ;

 using System.Net;

 using System.Net.Sockets ;

 //Please note that all code is copyright 2002 by William J Dean

 public class POP3client


  public enum connect_state {disc,AUTHORIZATION,TRANSACTION,UPDATE};

  public string user;

  public string pwd;

  public string pop;

  public bool error;

  public connect_state state=connect_state.disc ;

  //borrowed from Agus Kurniawan's article:"Retrieve Mail From a POP3 Server Using C#" at http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/popapp.asp

  private TcpClient Server;

  private NetworkStream NetStrm;

  private StreamReader RdStrm;

  private string Data;

  private byte[] szData;

  private string CRLF = "\r\n"; 

  public POP3client()


   //nothing to do..just create to object 


  public POP3client(string pop_server,string user_name,string password)


   //put the specied server (pop_server), user (user_name) and password (password)

   //into the appropriate properties.





  #region Utility Methods, some public, some private

  public string connect (string pop_server)


   pop=pop_server; //put the specified server into the pop property

   return(connect()); //call the connect method


  public string connect()


   //Initialize to the pop server. This code snipped "borrowed"

   //with some modifications...

   //from the article "Retrieve Mail From a POP3 Server Using C#" at

   //www.codeproject.com by Agus Kurniawan


   // create server with port 110

   Server = new TcpClient(pop,110);        




    // initialization

    NetStrm = Server.GetStream();

    RdStrm= new StreamReader(Server.GetStream());

    //The pop session is now in the AUTHORIZATION state

    state=connect_state.AUTHORIZATION ;

    return(RdStrm.ReadLine ());


   catch(InvalidOperationException err)


    return("Error: "+err.ToString());



  private string disconnect ()


   string temp="disconnected successfully.";

   if(state !=connect_state.disc)


    //close connection



    state=connect_state.disc ;




    temp="Not Connected.";




  private void issue_command(string command)


   //send the command to the pop server. This code snipped "borrowed"

   //with some modifications...

   //from the article "Retrieve Mail From a POP3 Server Using C#" at

   //www.codeproject.com by Agus Kurniawan


   Data= command + CRLF;

   szData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Data.ToCharArray());



  private string read_single_line_response()


   //read the response of the pop server. This code snipped "borrowed"

   //with some modifications...

   //from the article "Retrieve Mail From a POP3 Server Using C#" at

   //www.codeproject.com by Agus Kurniawan


   string temp;



    temp = RdStrm.ReadLine();




   catch(InvalidOperationException err)


    return("Error in read_single_line_response(): " + err.ToString ()) ;



  private string read_multi_line_response()


   //read the response of the pop server. This code snipped "borrowed"

   //with some modifications...

   //from the article "Retrieve Mail From a POP3 Server Using C#" at

   //www.codeproject.com by Agus Kurniawan


   string temp="";

   string szTemp;



    szTemp = RdStrm.ReadLine();







      temp += szTemp+CRLF;

      szTemp = RdStrm.ReadLine();









   catch(InvalidOperationException err)


    return("Error in read_multi_line_response(): " + err.ToString ());



  private void was_pop_error(string response)


   //detect if the pop server that issued the response believes that

   //an error has occured.

   if(response.StartsWith ("-"))


    //if the first character of the response is "-" then the

    //pop server has encountered an error executing the last

    //command send by the client










  #region POP commands

  public string DELE(int msg_number)


   string temp;


   if (state != connect_state.TRANSACTION )


    //DELE is only valid when the pop session is in the TRANSACTION STATE

    temp="Connection state not = TRANSACTION";




    issue_command("DELE " + msg_number.ToString ());





  public string LIST()


   string temp="";

   if (state != connect_state.TRANSACTION )


    //the pop command LIST is only valid in the TRANSACTION state

    temp="Connection state not = TRANSACTION";




    issue_command ("LIST");





  public string LIST(int msg_number)


   string temp="";

   if (state != connect_state.TRANSACTION )


    //the pop command LIST is only valid in the TRANSACTION state

    temp="Connection state not = TRANSACTION";




    issue_command ("LIST " + msg_number.ToString ());

    temp=read_single_line_response(); //when the message number is supplied, expect a single line response




  public string NOOP()


   string temp;

   if (state != connect_state.TRANSACTION )


    //the pop command NOOP is only valid in the TRANSACTION state

    temp="Connection state not = TRANSACTION";




    issue_command ("NOOP");





  public string PASS()


   string temp;

   if (state != connect_state.AUTHORIZATION)


    //the pop command PASS is only valid in the AUTHORIZATION state

    temp="Connection state not = AUTHORIZATION";




    if (pwd !=null)


     issue_command ("PASS " + pwd);


     if (!error)


      //transition to the Transaction state






     temp="No Password set.";





  public string PASS(string password)


   pwd=password; //put the supplied password into the appropriate property

   return(PASS()); //call PASS() with no arguement


  public string QUIT()


   //QUIT is valid in all pop states

   string temp;

   if (state !=connect_state.disc)


    issue_command ("QUIT");


    temp += CRLF + disconnect();





    temp="Not Connected.";




  public string RETR (int msg)


   string temp="";

   if (state != connect_state.TRANSACTION )


    //the pop command RETR is only valid in the TRANSACTION state

    temp="Connection state not = TRANSACTION";




    // retrieve mail with number mail parameter

    issue_command ("RETR "+ msg.ToString ());





  public string RSET()


   string temp;

   if (state != connect_state.TRANSACTION )


    //the pop command STAT is only valid in the TRANSACTION state

    temp="Connection state not = TRANSACTION";









  public string STAT()


   string temp;

   if (state==connect_state.TRANSACTION)








    //the pop command STAT is only valid in the TRANSACTION state

    return ("Connection state not = TRANSACTION");



  public string USER()


   string temp;

   if (state != connect_state.AUTHORIZATION)


    //the pop command USER is only valid in the AUTHORIZATION state

    temp="Connection state not = AUTHORIZATION";




    if (user !=null)


     issue_command("USER "+ user);




    { //no user has been specified

     temp="No User specified.";





  public string USER(string user_name)


   user=user_name; //put the user name in the appropriate propertity

   return(USER()); //call USER with no arguements





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