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技术文档 > VB文档 > 多媒体
发表日期:2005-06-08 23:52:45作者: 出处:  

\'Author: Gordon F. MacLeod
\'How to detect if a sound card exists on a system.
\' Here\'s how to detect if a sound card exists
\' Declare this API
Declare Function auxGetNumDevs% Lib \"MMSYSTEM\" ()

\' In the appropriate routine:

Dim i As Integer
i = auxGetNumDevs()

If i > 0 Then \' There is at least one sound card on the system
MsgBox \"A Sound Card has been detected.\"

Else \' auxGetNumDevs returns a 0 if there is no sound card
MsgBox \"There is no Sound Card on this system.\"
End If

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