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技术文档 > VB文档 > VB.Net
发表日期:2005-09-24 09:34:08作者: 出处:  


运算符重载/部分类/Continue 关键字/Using 关键字/拆分存取访问/泛型支持

 Dim ShortSpan, LongSpan, TotalSpan As TimeSpan
 ShortSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(100)
 LongSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14)
 TotalSpan = ShortSpan + LongSpan
 为什么可以直接TotalSpan = ShortSpan + LongSpan这样呢,原因是TimeSpan类对+号运算符进行了重载,如
  Public Shared Operator+(objA As MyClass,
    objB as MyClass) As MyClass
      ' (Code goes here.)
  End Operator

 Partial Public Class 存放
    Public Sub TestMethodA()
        Console.WriteLine("Method A called.")
    End Sub
 End Class
 Partial Public Class TestClass
     Public Sub TestMethodB()
         Console.WriteLine("Method B called.")
     End Sub
 End Class

  Dim Obj As New TestClass()

Continue 关键字
 Continue For、Continue Do 和 Continue While
 For ... Next, Do ... Loop, or While ... End While中
 For i = 1 to 1000
    If i Mod 5 = 0 Then
        ' (Task A code.)
        Continue For
    End If
    ' (Task B code.)

Using 关键字
 Using NewFile As New _
     NewFile.WriteLine("This is line 1")
     NewFile.WriteLine("This is line 2")
 End Using
 ' The file is closed automatically.
 ' The NewFile object is no longer available here.

 公用 (Public)
 友元 (Friend)
 私用 (Private)
  Public Property Status() As Integer
         Return _Status
     End Get
     Set(ByVal value As Integer)
         _Status = value
     End Set
  End Property
 Public Property Status() As Integer
         Return _Status
     End Get
     Friend Set(ByVal value As Integer)
         _Status = value
     End Set
 End Property

  Public Class GenericList(Of ItemType)
      Inherits CollectionBase
      Public Function Add(ByVal value As ItemType) _
        As Integer
          Return List.Add(value)
      End Function
      Public Sub Remove(ByVal value As ItemType)
      End Sub
      Public ReadOnly Property Item( _
        ByVal index As Integer) As ItemType
              ' The appropriate item is retrieved from
              ' the List object and explicitly cast to
              ' the appropriate type, and then returned.
              Return CType(List.Item(index), ItemType)
          End Get
      End Property
  End Class
 ' Create the GenericList instance, and
 ' choose a type (in this case, string)
 Dim List As New GenericList(Of String)
 ' Add two strings.
 ' The next statement will fail because it has the
 ' wrong type. There is no automatic way to convert
 ' a Guid object to a string. In fact, this line
 ' won't ever run, because the compiler notices the
 ' problem and refuses to build the application.
.NET2。0提供下面的泛型供使用,你可以在Systems.Collections.Generic 命名空间中找到这些泛型
List – 和 GenericList 例子类似的基本集合
Dictionary –用于索引名称=值的集合
LinkedList –链表
Queue – 先进先出集合
Stack – 后进先出集合
ReadOnlyCollection – 有固定项目集的集合,其中項目一旦建立就无法更改
SortedDictionary – 永远保持排序的名称-值集合



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