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技术文档 > JAVA
发表日期:2003-06-21 00:00:00作者: 出处:  

第17章 项目



17.1 文字处理



17.1.1 提取代码列表







//: CodePackager.java

// "Packs" and "unpacks" the code in "Thinking

// in Java" for cross-platform distribution.

/* Commented so CodePackager sees it and starts

  a new chapter directory, but so you don't

  have to worry about the directory where this

  program lives:

package c17;


import java.util.*;

import java.io.*;

class Pr {

 static void error(String e) {

  System.err.println("ERROR: " + e);




class IO {

 static BufferedReader disOpen(File f) {

  BufferedReader in = null;

  try {

   in = new BufferedReader(

    new FileReader(f));

  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("could not open " + f);


  return in;


 static BufferedReader disOpen(String fname) {

  return disOpen(new File(fname));


 static DataOutputStream dosOpen(File f) {

  DataOutputStream in = null;

  try {

   in = new DataOutputStream(

    new BufferedOutputStream(

     new FileOutputStream(f)));

  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("could not open " + f);


  return in;


 static DataOutputStream dosOpen(String fname) {

  return dosOpen(new File(fname));


 static PrintWriter psOpen(File f) {

  PrintWriter in = null;

  try {

   in = new PrintWriter(

    new BufferedWriter(

     new FileWriter(f)));

  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("could not open " + f);


  return in;


 static PrintWriter psOpen(String fname) {

  return psOpen(new File(fname));


 static void close(Writer os) {

  try {


  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("closing " + os);



 static void close(DataOutputStream os) {

  try {


  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("closing " + os);



 static void close(Reader os) {

  try {


  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("closing " + os);




class SourceCodeFile {

 public static final String

  startMarker = "//:", // Start of source file

  endMarker = "} ///:~", // End of source

  endMarker2 = "}; ///:~", // C++ file end

  beginContinue = "} ///:Continued",

  endContinue = "///:Continuing",

  packMarker = "###", // Packed file header tag

  eol = // Line separator on current system


  filesep = // System's file path separator


 public static String copyright = "";

 static {

  try {

   BufferedReader cr =

    new BufferedReader(

     new FileReader("Copyright.txt"));

   String crin;

   while((crin = cr.readLine()) != null)

    copyright += crin + "\n";


  } catch(Exception e) {

   copyright = "";



 private String filename, dirname,

  contents = new String();

 private static String chapter = "c02";

 // The file name separator from the old system:

 public static String oldsep;

 public String toString() {

  return dirname + filesep + filename;


 // Constructor for parsing from document file:

 public SourceCodeFile(String firstLine,

   BufferedReader in) {

  dirname = chapter;

  // Skip past marker:

  filename = firstLine.substring(


  // Find space that terminates file name:

  if(filename.indexOf(' ') != -1)

   filename = filename.substring(

     0, filename.indexOf(' '));

  System.out.println("found: " + filename);

  contents = firstLine + eol;

  if(copyright.length() != 0)

   contents += copyright + eol;

  String s;

  boolean foundEndMarker = false;

  try {

   while((s = in.readLine()) != null) {


     Pr.error("No end of file marker for " +


    // For this program, no spaces before

    // the "package" keyword are allowed

    // in the input source code:

    else if(s.startsWith("package")) {

     // Extract package name:

     String pdir = s.substring(

      s.indexOf(' ')).trim();

     pdir = pdir.substring(

      0, pdir.indexOf(';')).trim();

     // Capture the chapter from the package

     // ignoring the 'com' subdirectories:

     if(!pdir.startsWith("com")) {

      int firstDot = pdir.indexOf('.');

      if(firstDot != -1)

       chapter =



       chapter = pdir;


     // Convert package name to path name:

     pdir = pdir.replace(

      '.', filesep.charAt(0));

     System.out.println("package " + pdir);

     dirname = pdir;


    contents += s + eol;

    // Move past continuations:


     while((s = in.readLine()) != null)

      if(s.startsWith(endContinue)) {

       contents += s + eol;



    // Watch for end of code listing:

    if(s.startsWith(endMarker) ||

      s.startsWith(endMarker2)) {

     foundEndMarker = true;






     "End marker not found before EOF");

   System.out.println("Chapter: " + chapter);

  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("Error reading line");



 // For recovering from a packed file:

 public SourceCodeFile(BufferedReader pFile) {

  try {

   String s = pFile.readLine();

   if(s == null) return;


    Pr.error("Can't find " + packMarker

     + " in " + s);

   s = s.substring(


   dirname = s.substring(0, s.indexOf('#'));

   filename = s.substring(s.indexOf('#') + 1);

   dirname = dirname.replace(

    oldsep.charAt(0), filesep.charAt(0));

   filename = filename.replace(

    oldsep.charAt(0), filesep.charAt(0));

   System.out.println("listing: " + dirname

    + filesep + filename);

   while((s = pFile.readLine()) != null) {

    // Watch for end of code listing:

    if(s.startsWith(endMarker) ||

      s.startsWith(endMarker2)) {

     contents += s;



    contents += s + eol;


  } catch(IOException e) {

   System.err.println("Error reading line");



 public boolean hasFile() {

  return filename != null;


 public String directory() { return dirname; }

 public String filename() { return filename; }

 public String contents() { return contents; }

 // To write to a packed file:

 public void writePacked(DataOutputStream out) {

  try {


    packMarker + dirname + "#"

    + filename + eol);


  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("writing " + dirname +

    filesep + filename);



 // To generate the actual file:

 public void writeFile(String rootpath) {

  File path = new File(rootpath, dirname);


  PrintWriter p =

   IO.psOpen(new File(path, filename));





class DirMap {

 private Hashtable t = new Hashtable();

 private String rootpath;

 DirMap() {

  rootpath = System.getProperty("user.dir");


 DirMap(String alternateDir) {

  rootpath = alternateDir;


 public void add(SourceCodeFile f){

  String path = f.directory();


   t.put(path, new Vector());



 public void writePackedFile(String fname) {

  DataOutputStream packed = IO.dosOpen(fname);

  try {

   packed.writeBytes("###Old Separator:" +

    SourceCodeFile.filesep + "###\n");

  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("Writing separator to " + fname);


  Enumeration e = t.keys();

  while(e.hasMoreElements()) {

   String dir = (String)e.nextElement();


    "Writing directory " + dir);

   Vector v = (Vector)t.get(dir);

   for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {

    SourceCodeFile f =







 // Write all the files in their directories:

 public void write() {

  Enumeration e = t.keys();

  while(e.hasMoreElements()) {

   String dir = (String)e.nextElement();

   Vector v = (Vector)t.get(dir);

   for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {

    SourceCodeFile f =




   // Add file indicating file quantity

   // written to this directory as a check:


    new File(new File(rootpath, dir),





public class CodePackager {

 private static final String usageString =

 "usage: java CodePackager packedFileName" +

 "\nExtracts source code files from packed \n" +

 "version of Tjava.doc sources into " +

 "directories off current directory\n" +

 "java CodePackager packedFileName newDir\n" +

 "Extracts into directories off newDir\n" +

 "java CodePackager -p source.txt packedFile" +

 "\nCreates packed version of source files" +

 "\nfrom text version of Tjava.doc";

 private static void usage() {




 public static void main(String[] args) {

  if(args.length == 0) usage();

  if(args[0].equals("-p")) {

   if(args.length != 3)




  else {

   if(args.length > 2)





 private static String currentLine;

 private static BufferedReader in;

 private static DirMap dm;

 private static void

 createPackedFile(String[] args) {

  dm = new DirMap();

  in = IO.disOpen(args[1]);

  try {

   while((currentLine = in.readLine())

     != null) {


      SourceCodeFile.startMarker)) {

     dm.add(new SourceCodeFile(

          currentLine, in));


    else if(currentLine.startsWith(


     Pr.error("file has no start marker");

    // Else ignore the input line


  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("Error reading " + args[1]);





 private static void

 extractPackedFile(String[] args) {

  if(args.length == 2) // Alternate directory

   dm = new DirMap(args[1]);

  else // Current directory

   dm = new DirMap();

  in = IO.disOpen(args[0]);

  String s = null;

  try {

    s = in.readLine();

  } catch(IOException e) {

   Pr.error("Cannot read from " + in);


  // Capture the separator used in the system

  // that packed the file:

  if(s.indexOf("###Old Separator:") != -1 ) {

   String oldsep = s.substring(

    "###Old Separator:".length());

   oldsep = oldsep.substring(

    0, oldsep. indexOf('#'));

   SourceCodeFile.oldsep = oldsep;


  SourceCodeFile sf = new SourceCodeFile(in);

  while(sf.hasFile()) {


   sf = new SourceCodeFile(in);




} ///:~


头两个类是“支持/工具”类,作用是使程序剩余的部分在编写时更加连贯,也更便于阅读。第一个是Pr,它类似ANSI C的perror库,两者都能打印出一条错误提示消息(但同时也会退出程序)。第二个类将文件的创建过程封装在内,这个过程已在第10章介绍过了;大家已经知道,这样做很快就会变得非常累赘和麻烦。为解决这个问题,第10章提供的方案致力于新类的创建,但这儿的“静态”方法已经使用过了。在那些方法中,正常的违例会被捕获,并相应地进行处理。这些方法使剩余的代码显得更加清爽,更易阅读。



// Copyright (c) Bruce Eckel, 1998

// Source code file from the book "Thinking in Java"

// All rights reserved EXCEPT as allowed by the

// following statements: You may freely use this file

// for your own work (personal or commercial),

// including modifications and distribution in

// executable form only. Permission is granted to use

// this file in classroom situations, including its

// use in presentation materials, as long as the book

// "Thinking in Java" is cited as the source.

// Except in classroom situations, you may not copy

// and distribute this code; instead, the sole

// distribution point is http://www.BruceEckel.com

// (and official mirror sites) where it is

// freely available. You may not remove this

// copyright and notice. You may not distribute

// modified versions of the source code in this

// package. You may not use this file in printed

// media without the express permission of the

// author. Bruce Eckel makes no representation about

// the suitability of this software for any purpose.

// It is provided "as is" without express or implied

// warranty of any kind, including any implied

// warranty of merchantability, fitness for a

// particular purpose or non-infringement. The entire

// risk as to the quality and performance of the

// software is with you. Bruce Eckel and the

// publisher shall not be liable for any damages

// suffered by you or any third party as a result of

// using or distributing software. In no event will

// Bruce Eckel or the publisher be liable for any

// lost revenue, profit, or data, or for direct,

// indirect, special, consequential, incidental, or

// punitive damages, however caused and regardless of

// the theory of liability, arising out of the use of

// or inability to use software, even if Bruce Eckel

// and the publisher have been advised of the

// possibility of such damages. Should the software

// prove defective, you assume the cost of all

// necessary servicing, repair, or correction. If you

// think you've found an error, please email all

// modified files with clearly commented changes to:

// Bruce@EckelObjects.com. (please use the same

// address for non-code errors found in the book).




1. 构建一个打包文件






2. 从打包文件中提取


一旦发现packMarker,就会将其剥离出来,并提取出目录名(用一个'#'结尾)以及文件名(直到行末)。不管在哪种情况下,旧分隔符都会被替换成本地适用的一个分隔符,这是用String replace()方法实现的。老的分隔符被置于打包文件的开头,在代码列表稍靠后的一部分即可看到是如何把它提取出来的。


3. 程序列表的存取




4. 整套列表的包容







5. 主程序



(1) 若行首是一个用于源码列表的起始标记,就新建一个SourceCodeFile对象。构建器会读入源码列表剩下的所有内容。结果产生的句柄将直接加入DirMap。

(2) 若行首是一个用于源码列表的结束标记,表明某个地方出现错误,因为结束标记应当只能由SourceCodeFile构建器发现。


17.1.2 检查大小写样式






//: ClassScanner.java

// Scans all files in directory for classes

// and identifiers, to check capitalization.

// Assumes properly compiling code listings.

// Doesn't do everything right, but is a very

// useful aid.

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

class MultiStringMap extends Hashtable {

 public void add(String key, String value) {


   put(key, new Vector());



 public Vector getVector(String key) {

  if(!containsKey(key)) {


    "ERROR: can't find key: " + key);



  return (Vector)get(key);


 public void printValues(PrintStream p) {

  Enumeration k = keys();

  while(k.hasMoreElements()) {

   String oneKey = (String)k.nextElement();

   Vector val = getVector(oneKey);

   for(int i = 0; i < val.size(); i++)





public class ClassScanner {

 private File path;

 private String[] fileList;

 private Properties classes = new Properties();

 private MultiStringMap

  classMap = new MultiStringMap(),

  identMap = new MultiStringMap();

 private StreamTokenizer in;

 public ClassScanner() {

  path = new File(".");

  fileList = path.list(new JavaFilter());

  for(int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {





 void scanListing(String fname) {

  try {

   in = new StreamTokenizer(

     new BufferedReader(

      new FileReader(fname)));

   // Doesn't seem to work:

   // in.slashStarComments(true);

   // in.slashSlashComments(true);



   in.wordChars('_', '_');


   while(in.nextToken() !=

      StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {

    if(in.ttype == '/')


    else if(in.ttype ==

        StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {

     if(in.sval.equals("class") ||

       in.sval.equals("interface")) {

      // Get class name:

        while(in.nextToken() !=


           && in.ttype !=



        classes.put(in.sval, in.sval);

        classMap.add(fname, in.sval);


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