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技术文档 > Web开发 > PHP
发表日期:2003-08-18 00:00:00作者: 出处:  

转载 http://www.eaoo.com/design/show.asp?id=263



<input type=Hidden name=lastAction value=<? =$userLastAction+1 ?>>


if($lastAction>$userLastAction and inputIsValid(...)){

$userLastAction++; // 序列号加1

// 处理表单数据


Avoid multiple form submissions

Submitted By: Douglas E. Cook

Date: 07/26/00 19:46

Does your database suffer from "duplicate post" syndrome? The cure isn't too difficult. Here is a simple way to prevent users from submitting the same form multiple times.

First, declare a session variable to store a serial number for each form. I call mine "$userLastAction." Then, in every form where duplicate submission is a problem, include a hidden field, and set the value to $userLastAction+1:

<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=lastAction VALUE=<?= $userLastAction+1 ?>>

Finally, verify that the form has not been previously submitted before acting on the submission:

if($lastAction>$userLastAction and inputIsValid(...)){

$userLastAction++; // Increment serial number

// Act on form here




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