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安全防线 > 入侵检测
发表日期:2006-02-24 10:56:02文件大小:153.50 K 下载次数:6317  

文件大小:153.50 K
下载说明: 工具来源:http://mjc1.com/mirror/hjt/ HijackThis examines certain key areas of the Registry and Hard Drive and lists their contents. These are areas which are used by both legitimate programmers and hijackers. It's up to you to decide what should be removed. Some items are perfectly fine. You should not remove them. Never remove everything. Doing that could leave you with missing items needed to run legitimate programs and add-ins. This Page will help you work with the Experts to clean up your system. For those of you needing instructions on how to Copy and Paste the contents of a text file into a Forum Post, please look at the Table of Contents. A link to the instructions is included. 简单来讲是一个查看、删除WINDOWS系统注册表中自动加载启动程序的软件,此外该软件还有很多功能 列进程,自启动服务等等,对于查后门或木马程序来说是一个非常不错的选择

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