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安全防线 > 入侵检测
发表日期:2006-02-27 12:41:48文件大小:25.56 K 下载次数:5951  

文件大小:25.56 K
下载说明: 工具来源:http://www.security.org.sg/code/kproccheck.html Win32 Kernel Rootkits hide running processes from users using techniques like Kernel Native API Hooking, or by directly unlinking the process's EPROCESS entry from ActiveProcessLinks. Such techniques are very effective in hiding processes, and are very difficult to detect with user-mode tools. This proof-of-concept tool demonstrates how hidden processes can be detected by directly traversing both the Kernel's ActiveProcessList and the Kernel scheduler's ETHREAD lists. This tool can also traverse the Kernel's PsLoadedModuleList to detect kernel modules/drivers that are hidden by hooking the ZwQuerySystemInformation native API.

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