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安全防线 > 入侵检测
发表日期:2006-02-27 13:02:35文件大小:70.44 K 下载次数:6160  

文件大小:70.44 K
下载说明: 工具来源:http://www.solutix.ch/scrutinizer The scrutinizer toolkit is designed to protect Web servers from HTTP (D)DoS attacks. It is a toolkit consisting of an analysis engine which analyzes Web server access logfiles in almost real time, an Apache module which is able to block wrongdoers on the Web server, an extension to block offenders with netfilter firewalls, and a set of visualization tools. The analysis engine uses statistical anomaly detection to expose offenders. The engine has to be trained with old log files so that it can adapt itself to your system. 看介绍觉得这个东西加了一些分析成分 实在不知道怎么分类 于是暂时放了个IDS类 如果斑竹觉得不合适就改好了 MD5 Checksum by EvilOctal fec85dffee76c0c834baef6f0198296a Added by www.EvilOctal.com

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