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电子图书 > Java图书
发表日期:2006-03-12 13:37:17文件大小:6.23MB 下载次数:11256  

下载说明: "Examplets" are code snippets that illustrate a particular task. They're designed to show which classes and members are involved in performing the task, and how the classes and members interact with each other. You will see blue italicized text in an examplet; this indicates code that should be replaced if you use it in your program. An examplet can have enough detail for you to use it, as is. Or you might have to get more information about the involved classes. A good place to find information about the Java 2 Platform APIs is the Java 2 Platform API index. It's also good practice to add catch clauses, as appropriate, to the examplets. If the code of an examplet throws a checked exception, the code is surrounded by a try/catch statement. However, to reduce space and distraction, the catch clause is left blank. Catch clauses should always handle the exception and should never be left blank. So, at the very least, you should include a call to e.printStackTrace() to display the exception on the console. You'll find examplets in a variety of categories. See the Table of Contents for a list of categories, and the examplets in each category.

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