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发表日期:2007-03-13 10:58:52文件大小:4.03 K 下载次数:7585  

文件大小:4.03 K
下载说明: /* ** Author: h00lyshit ** Vulnerable: Linux 2.6 ALL ** Type of Vulnerability: Local Race ** Tested On : various distros ** Vendor Status: unknown ** ** Disclaimer: ** In no event shall the author be liable for any damages ** whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use ** or spread of this information. ** Any use of this information is at the user's own risk. ** ** Compile: ** gcc h00lyshit.c -o h00lyshit ** ** Usage: ** h00lyshit ** ** Example: ** h00lyshit /usr/X11R6/lib/libethereal.so.0.0.1 ** ** if y0u dont have one, make big file (~100MB) in /tmp with dd ** and try to junk the cache e.g. cat /usr/lib/* >/dev/null ** */

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