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编程工具 > Visual Basic
MS Quick Basic 4.0
发表日期:2005-06-13 16:25:16文件大小:587KB 下载次数:6684  

下载说明: .00 - 5.25" and 3.5" versions both released on 10/10/87. Major release. Introduction of threaded p-code technology, which error-checks lines when typed and runs programs almost instantly in the editor environment. You can load multiple modules within the editing environment. The following new features are added: Hercules graphics support. Recursive SUBprogram procedures. User-defined TYPE variables (TYPE...END TYPE). Huge dynamic arrays (larger than 64K). Fixed-length strings. CALLs to high-level languages (Microsoft C, FORTRAN, Pascal). Enhanced debugger in editor allows setting breakpoints, watch points, and watch variables, plus MS CodeView compatibility. New on-line help for Basic syntax. Version 4.0is a favorite with some programmers, and some still the 4.0 manuals, because they are better than the 4.5 manual (much more detail, etc.). Manuals: Programming in BASIC: Selected Topics, Learning and Using Microsoft QuickBASIC and BASIC Language Reference. Two revisions, 4.00a and 4.00b were released in 1988 to perform some bug fixes QB4.00 - 5.25"磁盘版发布于1987.04.13. 3.5"磁盘版发布于1987.10.10。引入线性P-CODE技术,每行输入都执行错误检查,编辑器内立即执行。编辑器允许多个模块同时装载,增加如下特色:Hercules 显示卡支持,递归,自定义类型(TYPE...END TYPE),巨型动态数组(大于64K),定长字符串,高级语言调用(Microsoft C, FORTRAN, Pascal),增强的调试器,兼容MS CodeView,Basic 语法在线帮助,QB4.0无疑是一个里程碑,许多程序员非常喜欢它,对于它的参考手册甚至比对后来版本更加喜欢,因为它更加详细。 QB4.00a和4.00b发布于1988年,用来修正4.0中的错误。

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