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编程工具 > Visual Basic
Visual Basic 1.0 for MSDOS 专业版
发表日期:2005-06-13 16:40:56文件大小:9MB 下载次数:8473  

下载说明: Visual Basic for DOS Professional - Released as a dual media package, the MS product number is 203-099V100. Includes seven 1.44MB and/or nine 1.2MB diskettes and the following printed materials: Manuals: Programmer's Guide, 658 pages, Reference, 510 pages, Professional Features, 365 pages. When Microsoft and IBM split the blanket over OS/2, Microsoft dusted off the dinky old toy which was Windows 2.x, and did a serious rewrite as Windows 3.0. Microsoft needed development languages for Windows fast, because not everybody had enough hair on their chests to tackle Windows API development directly C. Working on two fronts, Microsoft released Visual Basic for DOS and Visual Basic for Windows. VB DOS provided not only a QuickBasic compatible platform, but a character based, interrupt driven platform similar to Windows programs, specifically VB Windows. VB DOS was never enhanced, because Microsoft was determined to abandon the DOS platform as soon as possible. VB DOS was only a hook to get QuickBasic programmers acclimated to the idea of Windows programming. 这是最早的VB,可以编写DOS下的程序。

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