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安全防线 > 扫描工具
发表日期:2005-09-22 20:32:46文件大小:26.9 KB 下载次数:6525  

文件大小:26.9 KB
下载说明: 工具来源:http://www.packetfactory.net/projects/ISIC/ ISIC is a suite of utilities to exercise the stability of an IP Stack and its component stacks (TCP, UDP, ICMP et. al.) It generates piles of pseudo random packets of the target protocol. The packets be given tendancies to conform to. Ie 50% of the packets generated can have IP Options. 25% of the packets can be IP fragments... But the percentages are arbitrary and most of the packet fields have a configurable tendancy. The packets are then sent against the target machine to either penetrate its firewall rules or find bugs in the IP stack. ISIC also contains a utility generate raw ether frames to examine hardware implementations.

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