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安全防线 > 口令破解
发表日期:2006-02-21 06:51:59文件大小:168.18 K 下载次数:7453  

文件大小:168.18 K
下载说明: H Y D R A (c) 2001-2004 by van Hauser / THC http://www.thc.org INTRODUCTION ------------ Number one of the biggest security holes are passwords, as every password security study shows. This tool is a proof of concept code, to give researchers and security consultants the possiblity to show how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access from remote to a system. THIS TOOL IS FOR LEGAL PURPOSES ONLY! FOR USING THIS TOOL COMMERCIALLY, SEE THE LICENCE FILE! There are already several login hacker tools available, however none does either support more than one protocol to attack or support parallized connects. Currently this tool supports: TELNET, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP-PROXY, LDAP, SMB, SMBNT, MS-SQL, MYSQL, REXEC, SOCKS5, VNC, POP3, IMAP, NNTP, PCNFS, ICQ, SAP/R3, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, SMTP-AUTH, SSH2, SNMP, CVS, Cisco AAA. However the module engine for new services is very easy so it won't take a long time until even more services are supported. Planned are: SSH v1, Oracle and more. Your help in writing these modules is highly appreciated!! :-) HOW TO COMPILE -------------- Type "./configure" and then "make" and "make install". If you have CYGWIN, you have to follow the instructions "./configure" prints after running. For PalmPilot, run "./configure-palm". For ARM processor mobiles, run "./configure-arm". SUPPORTED PLATFORMS ------------------- All UNIX platforms (linux, *bsd, solaris, etc.) Mac OS/X Windows with Cygwin (both ipv4 and ipv6) Mobile systems with ARM processors and Linux (e.g. Zaurus, iPaq) PalmOS HOW TO USE ---------- Type "./configure", followed by "make" to compile hydra and then "./hydra -h" to see the command line options. You make also type "make install" to install hydra to /usr/local/bin. Note that NO login/password file is included. Generate them yourself. For Linux users, a GTK gui is available, try "./xhydra" SPECIAL OPTIONS FOR MODULES --------------------------- Via the third command line parameter (TARGET SERVICE OPTIONAL) or the -m commandline option, you can pass one option to a module. Only some modules actually use this, a few require this. Here is the complete list: service module optional parameter ============== ================================================= www / http / ssl / https specified the page to authentication at (REQUIRED) Value can be "/secret" or "http://bla.com/foo/bar" or "https://test.com:8080/members" http-proxy specified the page to authentication at (OPTIONAL, default http://www.suse.com/) smbnt value [L,LH,D,DH,B,BH] (REQUIRED) (L) Check local accounts, (D) Domain Accounts, (B) Either (H) interpret passwords as NTLM hashes ldap specifies the DN (OPTIONAL, you can also specify the DN as login with -l) cisco-enable specified the logon password for the cisco device (REQUIRED) sapr3 specified the client id, a number between 0 and 99 (REQUIRED) An example for how to use this with the www module to hand over the web page to authenticate to: hydra -l jdoe -P /tmp/passlist www.attack.com http /members/ is the same like: hydra -m /members/ -l jdoe -P /tmp/passlist www.attack.com http other example: hydra -m LH -l administrator -P sam.dump nt.microsoft.com smbnt still other example: hydra -l gast -p gast -m 6 -s 3200 sapr3.sap.com sapr3 RESTORING AN ABORTED/CRASHED SESSION ------------------------------------ When hydra is aborted with Control-C, killed or crashs, it leavs a "hydra.restore" file behind which contains all necessary information to restore the session. This session file is written every 5 minutes. NOTE: if you are cracking parallel hosts (-M option), this feature doesnt work, and is therefore disabled! NOTE: the hydra.restore file can NOT be copied to a different platform (e.g. from little indian to big indian, or from solaris to aix) HOW TO SCAN/CRACK OVER A PROXY ------------------------------ The environment variable HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP defines the web proxy (this works just for the http/www service!). The following syntax is valid: HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP="" For all other services, use the HYDRA_PROXY_CONNECT variable to scan/crack via a web proxy's CONNECT call. It uses the same syntax. eg: HYDRA_PROXY_CONNECT=proxy.anonymizer.com:8000 If you require authentication for the proxy, use the HYDRA_PROXY_AUTH environment variable: HYDRA_PROXY_AUTH="the_login:the_password" ADDITIONAL HINTS ---------------- * uniq your dictionary files! this can save you a lot of time :-) cat words.txt | sort | uniq > dictionary.txt * if you know that the target is using a password policy (allowing users only to choose password with a minimum length of 6, containing a least one letter and one number, etc. use the tool pw-inspector which comes along with the hydra package to reduce the password list: cat dictionary.txt | pw-inspector -m 6 -c 2 -n > passlist.txt OPTIONS YOU WILL NEVER SEE IN HYDRA ----------------------------------- In this section I put feature request which I will never implement within hydra - and why. ? feeding login/passwords from stdin (e.g. from john) # This will not be implemented as it would not be possible to use with a) the restore functionality and b) multiple targets workarounds for b) would be possible however ugly hacks which would sometimes not work. As this feature will therefore will not fit the other standard functionality, you will never see it here. SPEED ----- through the parallizing feature, this password cracker tool can be very fast, however it depends on the protocol. The fastest is generally POP3, then FTP, then Telnet, and the least IMAP. Experiment with the task option (-t) to speed thinks up! The higher - the faster ;-) (but too high, and it disables the service) STATISTICS ---------- Run against a SuSE Linux 7.2 on localhost with a "-C FILE" containing 295 entries (294 tries invalid logins, 1 valid). Every test was run three times (only for "1 task" just once), and the average noted down. P A R A L L E L T A S K S SERVICE 1 4 8 16 32 50 64 100 128 ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- telnet 23:20 5:58 2:58 1:34 1:05 0:33 0:45* 0:25* 0:55* ftp 45:54 11:51 5:54 3:06 1:25 0:58 0:46 0:29 0:32 pop3 92:10 27:16 13:56 6:42 2:55 1:57 1:24 1:14 0:50 imap 31:05 7:41 3:51 1:58 1:01 0:39 0:32 0:25 0:21 (*) Note: telnet timings can be VERY different for 64 to 128 tasks! e.g. with 128 tasks, running four times resulted in timings between 28 and 97 seconds! The reason for this is unknown... guesses per task (rounded up): 295 74 38 19 10 6 5 3 3 guesses possible per connect (depends on the server software and config): telnet 4 ftp 6 pop3 1 imap 3 BUGS & FEATURES --------------- Email me if you find bugs or if you have written a new module. vh@thc.org Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID pub 2048/CDD6A571 1998/04/27 van Hauser / THC

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