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编程工具 > .Net
Visual J# Express 2005
发表日期:2005-04-27 21:52:51文件大小:501,606 KB 下载次数:5437  

文件大小:501,606 KB
下载说明: Visual J# Express Edition Beta 2 Visual J# 2005 Express Edition Beta 2 enables students and hobbyists to use the Java language for building applications with the Microsoft .NET Framework. Visual J# 2005 Express includes many of the same productivity features found in Visual Studio, all streamlined to fit the needs of the non-professional application developer. 是英文版的,下载后在线安装,在ADSL上还是挺快的。 这个是30天试用版,可以在微软的网站上免费注册取得激活码!

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