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编程工具 > C/C++
Visual C++ Express 2005
发表日期:2005-04-27 21:54:11文件大小:528,716 KB 下载次数:12879  

文件大小:528,716 KB
下载说明: Visual C++ Express Edition Beta 2 Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Beta 2 may be the C++ entry point to the full power of Visual Studio 2005, but Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition isn't lacking in capability. With a professional-grade compiler, code editor, debugger, project system, and more, Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition packs a lot of punch! New and experienced C++ developers alike will find that Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition delivers the tools and libraries they need to write all sorts of programs, from school assignments to game mods. 是英文版的,下载后在线安装,在ADSL上还是挺快的。 这个是30天试用版,可以在微软的网站上免费注册取得激活码!

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