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编程工具 > Visual Basic
Microsoft QuickBasic 3.0
发表日期:2005-06-13 16:23:51文件大小:368KB 下载次数:7838  

下载说明: 5.25" version released 04/13/87. 3.5" version released on two 720K diskettes 04/13/87. Single paperback manual of 595 pages. Requires 320K RAM and DOS 2.0 or later. It offered full compatibility with BASICA/GWBASIC. It was a major release. Comes with QB.EXE and QB87.EXE, giving QuickBasic both a compiler and an interpreter for quick testing turn around. The QB87.EXE program supports the math coprocessor. The editor is significantly improved over 2.0. The following additional new language statements are added: SELECT CASE, DO LOOP, CONST. It includes partial support for SUBs, but all variables defined inside are STATIC (you have to create your SUBs using SUB name (parameters) STATIC for forwards compatibility, nice take). The editor includes insert/overtype mode command. You can use the editor with SuperKey, Prokey, or Sidekick. Other features include a simple debugger to set breakpoints and watch variables. The editor can take advantage of 43-line mode on the Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) card.   QuickBASIC 3.0 - 5.25"磁盘版发布于1987.04.13. 3.5"磁盘版发布于1987.4.13,使用两张720K软盘,说明书595页。 需要320K内存和DOS 2.0 以上操作系统,完全兼容BASICA/GW-BASIC。包括了QB.EXE和QB87.EXE,既有解释器又有编译器,QB87.EXE支持数学协处理器。编辑器比较2.XX有长足进步。加入SELECT CASE, DO LOOP, CONST等等。

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