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编程工具 > Visual Basic
Microsoft QBasic 1.0
发表日期:2005-06-13 16:31:51文件大小:281KB 下载次数:8716  

下载说明: In 1991 DOS was still King for personal computer use. Microsoft released MS-DOS 5.0. For years Microsoft had received criticism for the clunky text editor EDLIN, which had been essentially unchanged for years. They also wanted to update their old GWBASIC interpreter which had not been improved for years. Microsoft took the QuickBasic IDE, stripped out the compiler, de-tuned the threaded p-code interpreter so it was slower than QuickBasic's QB.EXE (I suspect that QBasic may be based on the QuickBasic 4.0 QB.EXE rather than 4.5), added the '/EDITOR' command line option so QBasic could double as a screen-based text editor, and released the result as QBasic 1.0 with MS-DOS 5.0. For easy user interface, Microsoft created a tiny program EDIT.COM which executed QBasic with the /EDITOR option, and passed it's own command line tail. The combo replaced GWBASIC and EDLIN with much improved products. When MS-DOS 6.0 was released in 1993, QBasic version 1.1 came with it, and with all 6.x versions of MS-DOS. QBasic 1.1 (QBASIC.EXE and QBASIC.HLP) also came with Windows 95 (look on the CD in \other\oldmsdos\) and Windows 98 (look on the CD in \tools\oldmsdos\). You can also download the contents of the \oldmsdos\ subdirectory from here. 1991年时,DOS 仍旧是个人电脑主要的操作系统,Microsoft 发布了MS-DOS 5.0。许多年了,微软一直受到对于edlin编辑器的批评,而edlin已经在DOS中存在了多年没有变化。而对于GW-BASIC同样有此抱怨。微软为此将QuickBASIC编辑器从编译系统中提取出来,只保留p-code解释器,因此它比QuickBASIC的QB.EXE要慢一些。由于加入了“/EDITOR”命令行选项,QBasic可以同时充当全屏文本编辑器,作为QBASIC1.0同MS-DOS 5.0一起发布。为了简化操作,微软制作了一个小程序EDIT.COM使用/EDITOR选项调用QBASIC,这个组合替换了GW-BASIC和EDLIN。当1993年MS-DOS 6.0发布时,QBasic1.1版包含在所有MS-DOS6.XX及WIN9X中(请参考WIN9X光盘 目录\tools\oldmsdos\)。 有人称QBasic 1.X作"QuickBASIC 5",或许是因为运行库为5.0,或许因为最初同MS-DOS5一起发布,谁知道呢?

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