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游戏开发 > 程序设计 > 3D图形
发表日期:2007-01-19 16:03:09作者: 出处:  


本文作者:Jason Cwik, mail:jcwik@visi.com

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Probably the most complicated part of writing a DirectDraw or Direct3D program is the initalization of the drawing/rendering engine. Here I will present the initalization sequence of my screensaver in detail, pointing out the steps as we go. Be aware that there is more than one method to initialize Direct3D. In my opinion, this method is more complex, but allows the most flexibility.


The first step is to create the DirectDraw interface. We do this with a call to DirectDrawCreate. This call doesn't do much except for initalize the COM interface to DirectDraw. Also notice that throughout this example we are using C++ which allows us to remove the virtual table pointer and the first parameter of the function (which is basically just a pointer to this).

第一步: 创建DirectDraw接口

这个工作由DirectDrawCreate函数来完成。这个调用只是初始化DirectDraw的COM接口,还要注意在这个例子中我们使用的是C++,可以很方便的移动虚拟表头指针和函数的第一个参数 (可以简单到只用一个this指针)。

    LastResult = DirectDrawCreate(NULL, &lpDD1, NULL);
        Msg("Error creating DirectDraw\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;
DirectDraw version 2 has some features that are not present in DirectDraw, and some of our calls later require it, so we will query for DirectDraw2 from the DirectDraw interface. This call is a perfect example of where COM rears it's ugly head. With COM, all different versions of the API are available at once, depending on which one you are looking at. Also, all of the interfaces know about the other ones, so we can query for them. You will see code segments similar to this one throughout the code, whenever we need to get a related interface from an existing object.


    LastResult = lpDD1->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDraw2, (void **) &myglobs.lpDD2);
        Msg("Error querying DirectDraw2\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;
Since Direct3D is related to DirectDraw, we can query for our Direct3D (version 2) interface from the DirectDraw interface.


    LastResult = myglobs.lpDD2->QueryInterface(IID_IDirect3D2, (void **) &myglobs.lpD3D2);
        Msg("Error querying Direct3D2\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;
The example program also uses the Retained Mode interface, so we create it with a call to Direct3DRMCreate.

这个例子是基于Direct3D Retained-Mode接口,我们将使用Direct3DRMCreate进行创建。

    // Create D3DRM
    LastResult = Direct3DRMCreate(&lpD3DRM1);
        Msg("Error creating D3DRM\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;
Again, we want to use the newer version of the interface, so we will query for it from the older interface.


    LastResult = lpD3DRM1->QueryInterface(IID_IDirect3DRM2, (void **) &myglobs.lpD3DRM2);
        Msg("Error querying D3DRM2\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;
Since we are done with the D3DRM (version 1) interface, we can now release it. The RELEASE() macro just makes sure the pointer isn't NULL, calls the release() method of the interface and then sets the pointer to NULL .

既然D3DRM接口我们已用完了,现在应该释放它。RELEASE()宏判断指针为非空(!NULL) 后调用接口的release()方法将指针置空。

The next step which isn't completely shown right here (Look for it later) enumerates the drivers available and the modes for each driver. Earlier in the program, we loaded strings from the registry specifying which driver and mode the user wanted to use. After enumeration, we search through the results to find their selection. If the driver/mode isn't found, we pop up the dialog prompting them to change the selection.


        Msg("Error enumerating D3D device drivers.\n");
        goto exit_with_error;
        Msg("Error enumerating DirectDraw display modes.\n");
        goto exit_with_error;

    // Find our driver and mode. If we can't find the driver / mode
    // they want, run the configuration dialog.
        Msg("Could not find requested D3D Driver: %s. Please choose a new one.\n",  driver_buffer);
        goto exit_with_error;

        Msg("Could not find requested display mode: %s. Please choose a new one.\n",  mode_buffer);
        goto exit_with_error;

The next section we must branch depending on whether we are doing a full screen mode or not (this is to facilitate debugging and for the little preview window in the screen saver dialog). Right before the if, I have a line that I can uncomment if I want to force the program to run in a window instead of fullscreen for debugging. I am only going to present the fullscreen code here, since that's what most people are interested in. The windowed code is available here.


    // For debugging purposes, set this to FALSE and the screensaver will
    // run in a window instead of fullscreen.
    //myglobs.bFullscreen = FALSE;


The first part of setting the video mode involves setting the Cooperative Level. In this call, we tell DirectDraw that we want to go into fullscreen mode (DDSCL_FULLSCREEN), which in turn requires exclusive mode (DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE). As an added precaution, we also set the flag DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT, which makes DirectDraw trap for alt-ctl-delete so it can switch back to windowed mode.

显示模式设置的第一部分包括“合作水平”(Cooperative Level),在下面的调用中,我们告诉DirectDraw我们要进入排他模式(DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE)的满屏模式(DDSCL_FULLSCREEN), 作为一项附加的防范,还要置标志DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT使DirctDraw接管Alt-Ctl-Del消息,以便恢复为窗口模式。

    LastResult = myglobs.lpDD2->SetCooperativeLevel(myglobs.hwnd, DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT);
        Msg("Error setting Exclusive mode\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;
Now that we've told DirectDraw to operate in exclusive mode, we must tell it what mode to use. This was read in earlier from the options stored in the registry. The last two arguments are the refresh rate and flags, neither of which are used here. Setting the refresh rate to zero assumes the default value, which should be fine for almost every application. After setting the mode, we make sure the global variables know about the size of the screen. The ClientOnPrimary field is used in windowed mode, because DirectDraw doesn't care about the client area of the window, coordinates are still specified in absolute screen coordinates.


    LastResult = myglobs.lpDD2->SetDisplayMode(
       myglobs.Mode[myglobs.ModeSelected].bpp, 0, 0);
    bIgnoreWM_SIZE = FALSE;
        Msg("Error setting video mode. Try running configuration again.\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;

    myglobs.WindowWidth = myglobs.Mode[myglobs.ModeSelected].w;
    myglobs.WindowHeight = myglobs.Mode[myglobs.ModeSelected].h;
    myglobs.pClientOnPrimary.x = myglobs.pClientOnPrimary.y = 0;

Now that we have the mode set up, we need to create the drawing surfaces. To do good animation, we need to double-buffer, so we're going to set up the flags so that it creates one back buffer (you can make as many as you have VRAM for, but two should be sufficient unless you're doing stereo imaging... but that's a whole other topic). This call is similar to may DirectX calls that have lots of fields. You initlaize the structure to zero, then set flags in the dwFlags element specifiing which fields you have filled in.


    // Create the front and back surfaces
    memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd));
    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
    ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE | DDSCAPS_FLIP |
        ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY;
    ddsd.dwBackBufferCount = 1;

    LastResult = CreateSurface(&ddsd, &myglobs.lpFrontBuffer);
        Msg("Error creating Buffers\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;

    // Get a handle on the back buffer

    ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER;
    LastResult = myglobs.lpFrontBuffer->GetAttachedSurface(&ddsd.ddsCaps, &myglobs.lpBackBuffer);
        Msg("Error Getting Back Buffer\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;

If the hardware does Z-buffering (for 3D), we'll create another surface in video memory for it. We also need to check what depth Z buffer is needed (because different cards do different levels). After the surface is created, it is attached to the others.

如果硬件支持3D的Z-buffering,我们就要在显示内存中创建另一个表面,还需测试 Z-buffer 的深度(因为不同的显示卡支持的深度不同)。创建完的表面隶属于其它的表面。

    // Create a Z buffer if we need it.
        memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd));
        ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
        ddsd.dwWidth = myglobs.Mode[myglobs.ModeSelected].w;
        ddsd.dwHeight = myglobs.Mode[myglobs.ModeSelected].h;
        ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER;
            ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY;
            ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY;

        devDepth = myglobs.Driver[myglobs.DriverSelected].Desc.dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth;
        if (devDepth & DDBD_32)
            ddsd.dwZBufferBitDepth = 32;
        else if (devDepth & DDBD_24)
            ddsd.dwZBufferBitDepth = 24;
        else if (devDepth & DDBD_16)
            ddsd.dwZBufferBitDepth = 16;
        else if (devDepth & DDBD_8)
            ddsd.dwZBufferBitDepth = 8;

            Msg("Unsupported Z-buffer depth requested by device.\n");
            goto exit_with_error;
        LastResult = CreateSurface(&ddsd, &myglobs.lpZBuffer);
            Msg("Error creating ZBuffer Surface.\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
            goto exit_with_error;

Now that the surfaces are created, we can create the rendering device (D3DDevice2). 现在表面创建完毕,下面我们创建绘演设备(D3DDevice2),

    // Create a D3DDevice2 from the surfaces.
    LastResult = myglobs.lpD3D2->CreateDevice(myglobs.Driver[myglobs.DriverSelected].Guid,(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE) myglobs.lpBackBuffer, &myglobs.lpD3DDevice2);
        Msg("Error creating D3DDevice from surface\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;
    //** Windowed mode initialization goes here **
All of the drivers are now initialized. If you are doing immediate mode, stop here. The rest of the code is for setting up retained mode. The first thing we do is to create the D3DRMDevice from the D3DDevice.

所有的驱动已初始化完毕,如果您是工作在D3D Immediate-mode模式,初始化就已完成。下面的代码是设置D3D Retained-mode模式,首先要做的是从D3DDevice中创建D3DRMDevice。

    // Create the RM from the IM
    LastResult = myglobs.lpD3DRM2->CreateDeviceFromD3D(myglobs.lpD3D2, myglobs.lpD3DDevice2, &myglobs.lpD3DRMDevice2);
        Msg("Error creating D3DRMDevice2 from D3D\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult-1));
        goto exit_with_error;

There is a chance that our dimensions have changed, so we will do a quick check of the height and width.


    // Get the final width and height
        myglobs.WindowWidth = myglobs.lpD3DRMDevice2->GetWidth();
        myglobs.WindowHeight = myglobs.lpD3DRMDevice2->GetHeight();
We can now create the scene and the camera frames. Since the camera is part of the scene, it is created inside the scene. The scene is the master frame so it has no parent (the NULL pointer). The camera is then placed at 0,0,0 in the scene.


    // Create the master scene frame and camera frame.
    myglobs.lpD3DRM2->CreateFrame(NULL, &myglobs.scene);
    myglobs.lpD3DRM2->CreateFrame(myglobs.scene, &myglobs.camera);
    myglobs.camera->SetPosition(myglobs.scene, D3DVAL(0.0),D3DVAL(0.0), D3DVAL(0.0));

Now that we have the camera, we must map 3D space to a 'viewport' which handles the translation of coordinates from 3D space to the 2D screen. 现在我们已经有了照相机,但是还要将3D空间影射到把三维空间坐标系转换到二维屏幕坐标系的“视口”上。

    // Create the viewport
    LastResult = myglobs.lpD3DRM2->CreateViewport(myglobs.lpD3DRMDevice2,myglobs.camera, 0, 0, myglobs.WindowWidth, myglobs.WindowHeight,&myglobs.lpD3DRMView);
    if (FAILED(LastResult))

        Msg("Error creating viewport\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;

The back clipping plane determines the cutoff point for rendering polygons. Here we're setting it to 5000. This value will vary depending on your coordinate system.


    // Set the back clipping plane
    LastResult = myglobs.lpD3DRMView->SetBack(D3DVAL(5000.0));
    if (FAILED(LastResult))

        Msg("Error setting back clipping plane\n%s", D3DRMErrorToString(LastResult));
        goto exit_with_error;
The function call to SetRenderState sets up the rendering state variables within RM to control the lighting, shading and texturing otions. A call is then made to BuildScene so the user can set up their objects.


    // Set the render quality, fill mode, lighting state,
    // and color shade info.
    if (!SetRenderState())
        Msg("Error setting render state and/or building scene");
        goto exit_with_error;
    if (!BuildScene(myglobs.lpD3DRMDevice2, myglobs.lpD3DRMView, myglobs.scene, myglobs.camera))
        Msg("Error setting render state and/or building scene");
        goto exit_with_error;

The next two lines set up the statistics (FPS, TPS, mode). This code was basically stolen from Micro$oft's demo programs.



Finally, we release DD1 and set our RenderingIsOK flag.


    // Done with DD1, release it.
    // Looks like everything is good, return TRUE.
    myglobs.bRenderingIsOK = TRUE;
    return TRUE;
  The following code is called if an error occurs during the initialization. It releases any created interfaces and then returns false. At the end a small test is done to see if we're in windowed mode or not. This is a workaround because when a screensaver is previewing in the Win95 display properties window quits, windows immediately respawns it. So, if an error occurs, you can't get out of the display properties dialog because the respawning screensaver monopolizes the system.


      // An error occured. Release any created interfaces and return FALSE
      // if We're in preview mode, don't exit if there is an error. Otherwise,
      // moronic windows will respawn the saver, screwing everything up.
          return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
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