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游戏开发 > 程序设计 > 3D图形
发表日期:2007-03-28 13:57:06作者: 出处:  


namespace UHEngine
     class _UHE_Export AxisAlignedBox
         inline AxisAlignedBox()
              this->m_bInit = false;
         inline AxisAlignedBox( Vector3 & minZpoint, Vector3 & maxZpoint )
              this->m_bInit = false;
              Init( minZpoint, maxZpoint );
         virtual ~AxisAlignedBox();
         /// return true if the box is not initialized.
         inline bool IsNull(){ return !m_bInit; }
         /// fresh vertex data of the corners.
         inline void Update();
         /// get the corner with the max z val.
         inline const Vector3 & GenMaxZPoint(){ return m_maxZpoint; }
         /// get the corner with the min z val.
         inline const Vector3 & GenMinZPoint(){ return m_minZpoint; }
         /// update maxZpoint, after changes, usually internal uses.
         inline void GenMaxZPoint(UHEngine::Vector3 &point);
         /// update minZpoint, after changes, usually internal uses.
         inline void GenMinZPoint(UHEngine::Vector3 &point);
         /// do NOT use GenMaxZPoint after this, it already did that
         inline void SetMaxZPoint(Vector3 &point);
         /// do NOT use GenMinZPoint after this, it already did that
         inline void SetMinZPoint(UHEngine::Vector3 &point);
         /// create the box, and init all 8 corners
         inline void Init(UHEngine::Vector3 &minZpoint, UHEngine::Vector3 &maxZpoint);
         /// make the box bigger with a point
         inline void MergeBox(UHEngine::Vector3 &point);
         /// make the box bigger with another box
         inline void MergeBox(UHEngine::AxisAlignedBox &box);
         /// get maxZpoint
         inline Vector3 & GetMaxZPoint(){ return m_maxZpoint; }
         /// get minxZpoint
         inline Vector3 & GetMinZPoint(){ return m_minZpoint; }
         bool               m_bInit;
         Vector3            m_maxZpoint;
         Vector3            m_minZpoint;
         Vector3            m_corners[8];

  在RenderTarget中,我们可以将变换后的点传给AxisAlignedBox的接口MergeBox(Vector3& point );以得到最后的包围体。(场景具体的实现我还没有完成,里面有很多的细节还没有想清楚,网上这个方面的资料比较少,要么就是只讲到原理,所以我还没有找到很有效的办法,来实现RenderTarget生成AxisAlignedBox;还有一个问题是,如何判断一个物理是否可见,要用到Ray来判断,那么Ray的粒度要达到什么程度呢?如果一个Box看不见那么它里面的子树结点也都不可见,但是,如果一个Box把另一个Box遮住,不一定后面的一个 Box就看不见了,这些都是比较麻烦的问题,大家可以想一下自己的实现方法,然后再去看一下网上或者书上是怎么写的)

  关于多重纹理,也是很难管理的东西,还涉及到很多的参数要设置,当然最起码的,我们要定义一些基本的类型,我们把一次pass里面用到的材质,多重纹理(最多8张)看成一个Skin(Skin是卡马克比较喜欢的术语,也有些引擎把这看成材质Material,比如torque)。定义一个枚举类,表示 multi-texture的类型:
     typedef enum _multiTexInfo
         BLENDING_ORIGIN = 0,


namespace UHEngine
     class _UHE_Export Skin
         typedef struct _texInfo
              MultiTexInfo       multiTexInfo;
              UHETEXTURE             *pTex;
         } TEXINFO;
         enum TEX_CONST
              MAX_NUM_TEX_PASS = 8, // max num of tex in one pass
         Skin( TextureMng *pTexMng, MaterialMng *pMatMng );
         virtual ~Skin();
         TextureMng * GetTexMng();
         MaterialMng * GetMatMng();
         /// set num of multi-tex in a pass
         void SetNumTex( int numTex );
         /// get num of multi-tex in a pass
         int GetNumTex();
             set tex info and create it in TextureMng,
             feel free to use this interface
             without thingking whether the tex is already created.
         void SetTexInfo( char *chFileName,
              int texIndex,
              MultiTexInfo multiTexInfo = BLENDING_ORIGIN,
              bool bAlpha = false,
              float fAlpha = 1.0f );
         /// set mat value of the skin
         /// FIX ME!!! no check for equal mat value
         void SetMatInfo( const UHEMATERIAL *pMat );
         /// get tex by index in a pass
         UHETEXTURE * GetTexInMng(int texIndex);
         /// get mat value
         UHEMATERIAL * GetMatInMng();
         TextureMng              *m_pTexMng;
         MaterialMng             *m_pMatMng;
         UHEMATERIAL         m_Mat;
         int                                m_numTex;
         TEXINFO                    m_TexInfoGroup[8];


//File: UHESkin.cpp

#include "UHESkin.h"


namespace UHEngine


     Skin::Skin(UHEngine::TextureMng *pTexMng, UHEngine::MaterialMng *pMatMng)

         : m_pTexMng(pTexMng), m_pMatMng(pMatMng)


         for( int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_TEX_PASS; i++ )


              m_TexInfoGroup[i].pTex = NULL;

              m_TexInfoGroup[i].multiTexInfo = BLENDING_ORIGIN;

              /*m_TexInfoGroup[i].texUsage = TEXUSE_ORIGIN;

              m_TexInfoGroup[i].name = "";*/








     inline MaterialMng * Skin::GetMatMng()


         return this->m_pMatMng;



     inline TextureMng * Skin::GetTexMng()


         return this->m_pTexMng;



     inline void Skin::SetNumTex(int numTex)


         numTex = numTex > MAX_NUM_TEX_PASS ? MAX_NUM_TEX_PASS : numTex;

         this->m_numTex = numTex > 0 ? numTex : 0;



     inline int Skin::GetNumTex()


         return this->m_numTex;



     void Skin::SetMatInfo(const UHEngine::UHEMATERIAL *pMat)


         if( pMat != NULL )


              memcpy( &this->m_Mat, pMat, sizeof( UHEMATERIAL ) );




     void Skin::SetTexInfo(char *chFileName,

                            int texIndex,

                            MultiTexInfo multiTexInfo,

                            bool bAlpha,

                            float fAlpha)


         if( texIndex > 0 && texIndex < MAX_NUM_TEX_PASS )


              /*strcpy( this->m_TexInfoGroup[texIndex].name, chFileName );

              this->m_TexInfoGroup[texIndex].texUsage = texUsage;*/

              this->m_pTexMng->Create( TEXCOORD_2D, TEXUSE_ORIGIN, chFileName, bAlpha, fAlpha );

              this->m_TexInfoGroup[texIndex].pTex = m_pTexMng->GetTexByName( TEXCOORD_2D, chFileName );

              this->m_TexInfoGroup[texIndex].multiTexInfo = multiTexInfo;




     UHETEXTURE * Skin::GetTexInMng(int texIndex)


         if( texIndex > 0 && texIndex < MAX_NUM_TEX_PASS )


              return this->m_TexInfoGroup[texIndex].pTex;


         return NULL;



     UHEMATERIAL * Skin::GetMatInMng()


         return &m_Mat;



(今天就写到这里。再往后面,有很多的东西,我还没有实现,或者实现得很不好,或者还有一些地方想改进,所以后面的文章会以每个星期一两篇的速度更新,不会再快了。欢迎大家的建议!还是多多交流,just for FUN 的原则。)
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