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Telnet Server & Client
简单的 Telnet Client
这是一个有以下功能的简单的 Telnet Client:(1)显示 Local Echo (2)安全模式(3)保存日志部分(4)储存常用链接(5)选择你的字体
Contains: TWSocket - Basic winsock component. Fully event-driven and multi-thread safe. It supports TCP, UDP and can be used to build both client and server programs. TSmtpCli - SMTP client protocol support. Used to send mail to a mail server. TPop3Cli - POP3 client protocol support. Used to retreive mail form a mail server. TFtpCli - FTP client protocol support. Used to send and receive files to/from an FTP server. Also able to do directory and file handling. THttpCli - HTTP protocol support. Used to access any WEB server for getting or posting data. Proxy support. TTnCnx - TELNET client protocol support. TEmulVT - ANSI terminal emulation (like a TMemo but with ansi escape sequences interpetation). TTnEmulVT - TELNET and ANSI terminal emulation combined into a single component. You can build a full telnet client program in only a few lines of code. TPing - ICMP ping support. You can ping a host and get the resulting info. 封装winsock的多线程的类
TCP, UDP, TELNET ANSI/VT100, FTP, HTTP, NNTP, SMTP, POP3, PING, FINGER and more ICS is a full set of component for Internet/Intranet client/server applications supporting most TCP/IP protocols such as TCP, UDP, TELNET ANSI/VT100, FTP, HTTP, NNTP, SMTP, POP3, PING, FINGER and more. Full source code is provided. Free support using a dedicated mailing list. 支持各种网络协议的元件
完全仿效dos文本模式的组件 VCL componet completly emulates DOS text mode graphics. Made for instant easy porting of old DOS software to Windows ME & 2000. Supports direct b800 segment writes and can also reads rom font files for character generation. Currently in progress is Borlands BGI graphic support too. Also included is a telnet example program with ful

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