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技术文档 > Web开发 > PHP
BBS(php & mysql)完整版(二)
发表日期:2004-07-23 15:57:30作者: 出处:  

include "signup/mysql.inc";
$sql="select * from ".$table." where id='$id'";
$result=mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

$sql="update $table set number='$number' where id='$id'";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());


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include "js/menuhead.php"

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include "js/menu.php";

<div id="Layer6" style="position:absolute; left:409px; top:29px; width:118px; height:17px; z-index:1"></div>
<div id="Layer5" style="position:absolute; left:63px; top:61px; width:464px; height:303px; z-index:2">  

    <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#FFCCFF">
      <td width="22%" height="17">  
        <div align="center"><font color="#FF3399" size="2">题目</font></div>
      <td width="78%" height="17">
        <div align="center"><font size="2" color="#9966FF"><?echo $row["title"] ;?></font> </div>
        <td width="22%" height="24">  
          <div align="center"><font color="#FF3399" size="2">作者</font></div>
      <td width="78%" height="24">  
        <div align="center"><font size="2" color="#9966FF"><?echo $row["userid"] ;?></font> </div>
        <td width="22%">  
          <div align="center"><font color="#FF3399" size="2">内容</font></div>
      <td width="78%">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" color="#9966FF"><? $file=explode("n",$row["content"]); $num=count($file);
        for($i=0 ;$i<$num;$i++) echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;".$file[$i]."<BR>";?></font></div>


   for($j=1;$j<6;$j++)              //显示回复内容
    $sql="select * from bbs_re where id='$id2'";
    $result=mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());
   echo "<BR>";
   echo " <table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0      bordercolor=#FFCCFF>  <tr>";         
   echo "   <td width=22% height=17>         <div align=center><font color=#FF3399 size=2>题目</font></div>";
   echo "     </td>       <td width=78% height=17>";
   echo " <div align=center><font size=2 color=#9966FF>".$row8["title"]."</font> </div>      </td> </tr>      <tr>";  
   echo "<td width=22% height=24>";  
   echo "<div align=center><font color=#FF3399 size=2>作者</font></div></td>";
   echo " <td width=78% height=24>";  
   echo "<div align=center><font size=2 color=#9966FF>".$row8["userid"]." </font> </div></td> </tr><tr>";  
   echo " <td width=22%><div align=center><font color=#FF3399 size=2>内容</font></div>";
   echo "</td> <td width=78%>";
   echo "<div align=left><font size=2 color=#9966FF>"; $file=explode("n",$row8["content"]);
    for($i=0 ;$i<$num;$i++) echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;".$file[$i]."<BR>";
    echo "</font></div>";
   echo "   </td>  </tr>    </table>";


<div id="back" style="position:absolute; left:455px; top:30px; width:85px; height:3px; z-index:3">  
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<div id="goback" style="position:absolute; left:461px; top:23px; width:120px; height:16px; z-index:2">  
  <div align="center"><a href="php3.php?p=1&&table=<?echo $table ;?>" target="_self" onMouseOver="window.status='; return true"><font size="2" color="#FF33FF">返回</font></a></div>
<div id="Lay" style="position:absolute; left:70px; top:30px; width:85px; height:3px; z-index:4">
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<div id="Laye" style="position:absolute; left:78px; top:23px; width:120px; height:16px; z-index:1">  
  <div align="center"><a href="say.php?id1=<? echo $id."&&table=".$table ;?>" target="_self" onMouseOver="window.status=';return true"><font size="2" color="#FF33FF">回复</font></a></div>

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