安装 ----
上面有基本的介绍信息和下载指示,网站的一些栏目内容还待完善中。相对Snort来说,使用Bro的人还是非常少的,因此Bro的邮件列表是一个得以获取帮助非常重要的资源,建议加入这个列表或经常浏览一下邮件列表的Web Archive,相关的信息在如下的链接:
截止到写这个帖子的时候,Bro软件包的最新版本是0.9a10,在FTP服务器上还可以找到一些老版本。在我的RedHat 7.3测试系统上,0.9a9版本在编译完成后“make install”时会出错,这个问题在Bro的邮件列表上有人提过,没看到Bro的维护团队给出有效的解决方案,但安装0.9a10版本时倒是没碰上什么麻烦,应该算是解决了。
# tar zxvf bro-0.9a10.tar.gz # cd bro-0.9a10 # ./configure # make # make install
默认情况下,安装完成以后Bro所有安装文件位于 /usr/local/bro 目录下,目录结构与相应的说明如下:
bro |-- archive # 用于存储归档文件的目录 |-- bin # 可执行文件目录 | |-- bro # 主执行程序 | |-- cf # 转换时间显示格式的工具 | |-- ef | |-- hf | |-- nf | |-- pf | `-- rst # 用于切断TCP软件的工具,可以在脚本里调用 |-- doc # 使用及帮助文档目录 | |-- Bro-Ref-Manual.pdf # Bro脚本语言参考手册,PDF格式文档 | |-- Bro-quick-start # Bro快速使用指南目录,HTML格式的文档 . . . . . . | |-- Bro-quick-start.pdf # Bro快速使用指南,PDF格式文档 | |-- Bro-reference-manual # Bro脚本语言参考手册目录,HTML格式文档 . . . . . . | |-- Bro-user-manual # Bro使用手册目录,HTML格式文档 . . . . . . | `-- Bro-user-manual.pdf # Bro使用手册,PDF格式文档 |-- etc # 配置信息目录,Bro的配置文件bro.cfg可以放在这里 | |-- VERSION | |-- alert_scores | `-- signature_scores |-- logs # 日志目录,将来存储Bro的各类日志文件 |-- policy # Bro策略脚本目录,存储Bro自带的各种强大的功能脚本 | |-- OS-fingerprint.bro | |-- active.bro | |-- alarm.bro . . . . . . | |-- sig-addendum.sig | |-- sig-functions.bro | |-- signatures.bro | |-- sigs # 规则文件目录,存放各个规则文件 | | |-- ex.web-rules.sig | | |-- p0fsyn.osf | | |-- snort-default.sig | | |-- ssl-worm.sig | | `-- worm.sig . . . . . . | `-- worm.bro |-- reports # 生成的告警文件存储目录 |-- scripts # 脚本目录,用于存放各种维护操作的脚本 | |-- | |-- | |-- | |-- | |-- host-grep | |-- host-to-addrs | |-- | |-- mvlog | `-- |-- site # 用于存放各类自定义规则和脚本的目录,定制自己的Bro功能 | `-- signatures.sig `-- var # 存放Bro执行过程中生成的临时文件,比如进程ID记录文件等
运行 ----
[root@redhat7 bin]# ./bro -h bro version 0.9a10 usage: ./bro [options] [file ...] <file> | policy file, or read stdin -d | activate policy file debugging -e <bro code> | augment loaded policies by given code -f <filter> | tcpdump filter -g | dump current config into .state dir -h | command line help -i <interface> | read from given interface -p <prefix> | add given prefix to policy file resolution -r <readfile> | read from given tcpdump file -s <rulefile> | read rules from given file -t <tracefile> | activate execution tracing -w <writefile> | write to given tcpdump file -v | print version and exit -z <analysis> | run the specified policy file analysis -A <writefile> | write transformed trace to given tcpdump file -C | ignore checksums -D <size> | DFA state cache size -F | force DNS -K <hashkey> | set key for keyed hashing -L | benchmark for rules -O | optimize policy script -P | prime DNS -R <events.bst> | replay events -S | enable rule debugging -T <level> | set 'RE_level' for rules -W | activate watchdog timer -x <file.bst> | print contents of state file -I <foo> | print ID <foo> $BROPATH | file search path (.:policy:policy/local:policy/sigs:/usr/local/bro/lib/) $BRO_PREFIXES | prefix list ()
其中比较重要的参数有: <file> | 所要加载的策略脚本,如果不指定,从标准输入读取脚本代码 -f <filter> | tcpdump格式的BPF过滤器,用于从网络接口过滤读取特定的报文进行分析 -i <interface> | 指定监听的网络接口 -p <prefix> | 增加对以'prefix'开头的脚本的加载解释执行 -r <readfile> | 从'readfile'文件中读取报文记录 -s <rulefile> | 从'rulefile'文件读取检测规则,也就是使用这个参数指定规则文件 -F | 强制使用缓存的域名信息 -O | 优化策略脚本的执行 -P | 不执行策略脚本,而是提取脚本中出现的域名,解析以后把结果缓存起来 $BROPATH | 环境变量,指定脚本和规则文件的搜索路径,此变量是必要的,命令行中指定的脚本都从这个路径中搜索
定义环境变量,执行Bro程序: [root@redhat7 bro]# export BROPATH=/usr/local/bro/policy [root@redhat7 bro]# bin/bro -i eth0 -f 'tcp or udp' mt /usr/local/bro/policy/hot.bro, line 30: warning: no such host: . . . /usr/local/bro/policy/portmapper.bro, line 139: warning: no such host: pcap bufsize = 8192 listening on eth0
[root@redhat7 bro]# bin/bro -i eth0 -P -f 'tcp or udp' mt [root@redhat7 bro]# bin/bro -i eth0 -F -f 'tcp or udp' mt /usr/local/bro/policy/hot.bro, line 30: warning: no such host: /usr/local/bro/policy/scan.bro, line 96: warning: no such host: . . . /usr/local/bro/policy/ftp.bro, line 74: warning: no such host: /usr/local/bro/policy/portmapper.bro, line 139: warning: no such host: pcap bufsize = 8192 listening on eth0 Reading .state/state.bst ...
普通配置 --------
[root@redhat7 scripts]# ./bro_config
Running Bro Configuration Utility
Values enclosed in '[ ]'s are the default value set if you hit return.
Automode not enabled Using defaults from bro.cfg.example Checking interfaces ....Done. Log archive directory [/usr/local/bro/archive] User id to install and run Bro under [root] Interface name to listen on. The default is to use the busiest one found. [lo] eth0 Site name for reports (i.e. LBNL, FOO.COM, BAZ.ORG) [2] Starting time for a report run (0001 is 12:01 am and 1201 is 12:01pm) [0000] How often (in hours) to generate an activity report [24] Email local reports? (YES/NO) [NO] Do you want to send external reports to a incident reporting org (e.g.: CERT, CIAC, etc) [NO] Do you want to encrypt email reports (YES/NO) [NO] May I guess your network configuration for you? [YES] Checking network Running localnets script to determine the local network range ... This will take about 20 seconds Capturing packets .... done. Analyzing dump file..... done. Your network appears to contain the following networks: Edit by hand if this is not correct Press any key to now to continue. [root@redhat7 scripts]# ls /usr/local/bro/etc alert_scores signature_scores VERSION
在回答完一些问题以后,脚本会以 bro.cfg.example 为模板在当前目录下生成 bro.cfg 文件,这个就是我们会用到的配置文件,将此文件复制到 $BROHOME/etc 目录下(默认情况下就是 /usr/local/bro/etc ),以后我们可能还要修改它。
[root@redhat7 scripts]# cp bro.cfg /usr/local/bro/etc/
复制scripts目录下的 bro.rc 及 脚本到 $BROHOME/etc 目录: [root@redhat7 scripts]# cp bro.rc /usr/local/bro/etc/ [root@redhat7 scripts]# cp /usr/local/bro/etc/
复制scripts目录下的 local.lite.bro 策略脚本到 $BROHOME/policy 目录: [root@redhat7 scripts]# cp local.lite.bro /usr/local/bro/policy/
转到 $BROHOME/etc 目录,给 bro.rc 脚本加上执行位,以后Bro的启动和停止都可以由此脚本来控制:
[root@redhat7 scripts]# cd /usr/local/bro/etc [root@redhat7 etc]# chmod +x bro.rc
一般来说,脚本生成的 bro.cfg 文件大多还是不符合我们的需要,编辑它才能使Bro如我们所愿地那样工作。bro.cfg 其实只是定义了一些环境变量,通过这些环境变量向 bro.rc 脚本传递参数,bro.rc 根据参数构造出执行 bro 程序的命令行,最终运行 bro 程序。bro.cfg 文件的内容如下,对比较重要的参数加了注释,用户可以根据自己的需要修改:
---------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------- # Bro工具的主目录 BROHOME=/usr/local/bro export BROHOME
# Hostname to add into log filenames and reports BRO_HOSTNAME=Redhat7 # FQDN format # BRO_HOSTNAME=RedHat7
# Bro软件的可执行文件目录 BRO_BIN_DIR="/usr/local/bro/bin"
# 日志目录 BROLOGS="/usr/local/bro/logs" export BROLOGS
# 归档目录 BRO_LOG_ARCHIVE="/usr/local/bro/archive"
# 策略脚本的搜索路径 BROPATH="/usr/local/bro/policy:/usr/local/bro/site:/usr/local/bro/policy/rules" export BROPATH
# Bro初始启动的策略脚本文件,必须在BROPATH搜索路径中,一般情况下可以用 brolite.bro 脚本 # brolite.bro 会加载其他大多数常用的策略脚本,注意,这种配置下,Bro不支持规则匹配。要使 # Bro按规则文件中的定义执行匹配,应该指定为 local.lite.bro ,具体的配置下面有介绍。 BRO_START_POLICY="brolite.bro"
# 自定义规则及策略脚本的存储目录 BROSITE="/usr/local/bro/site" export BROSITE
# 以BRO_PREFIX开头的脚本文件都会被加载 # BRO_PREFIX="local"
# Bro主程序的存放位置 BRO="/usr/local/bro/bin/bro"
# 没发现下面这个环境变量被引用过,也就是说这个选项在当前的Bro版本中无用 BRO_ADD_OPTS=" -W"
# 附加的Bro主程序的运行参数标记,可以在此增加其他Bro主程序所支持的命令行参数 BRO_OPTS=" -W"
# 监听的网络接口名,多个接口用空格隔开 BRO_CAPTURE_INTERFACE="eth0" # Multiple interface should be specified as a space delimited list. # Examples: # CAPTURE_INTERFACE="sk0 sk1 sk5" # CAPTURE_INTERFACE="eth0 eth3" # CAPTURE_INTERFACE="eth0"
# How long to wait during checkpointing after startin a new Bro process and stopping the old one (in seconds). BRO_CHECKPOINT_OVERLAP_TIME=20
# Base directory where reports will be stored BRO_REPORT_DIR="/usr/local/bro/reports" export BRO_REPORT_DIR
# Starting time for a report run (0001 is 12:01 am and 1201 is 12:01pm) BRO_REPORT_START_TIME=0000
# How often (in hours) to generate an activity report BRO_REPORT_INTERVAL=24
# This is the how often to rotate the logs (in hours) BRO_LOG_ROTATE_INTERVAL=24
# 以小时计的重新读取配置文件的时间间隔 BRO_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL=24
# The maximum time allowed for a Bro process to cleanup and exit (in seconds). BRO_MAX_SHUTDOWN_TIME=7200 # 2 hours
# Use this to enable the init script to autorestart Bro in the event of an unexpected shutdown (YES/NO) BRO_ENABLE_AUTORESTART="YES"
# A value less than 1 means there will be no limit to the number of restarts # Maximum times to try to auto-restart Bro before giving up. BRO_MAX_RESTART_ATTEMPTS="-1"
# This is normally /var/run/bro and contains the pidfile and other temporal data. # Location of the run-time directory. BRO_RUNTIME_DIR="/usr/local/bro/var"
# Email address for local reports to be mailed to BRO_EMAIL_LOCAL="NO"
# Email address to send from BRO_EMAIL_FROM="bro@localhost"
# Do you want to send external reports to a incident reporting org (e.g.: CERT, CIAC, etc) BRO_EMAIL_EXTERNAL="NO" export BRO_EMAIL_EXTERNAL
# Email address for remote reports to be mailed to BRO_EMAIL_REMOTE=""
# User id to install and run Bro under BRO_USER_ID="root"
# Site name for reports (i.e. LBNL, FOO.COM, BAZ.ORG) BRO_SITE_NAME="SOMESITE" export BRO_SITE_NAME
# Do you want to encrypt email reports (YES/NO) BRO_ENCRYPT_EMAIL="NO"
# Location of GPG binary for encrypting email
# Default BPF buffer BRO_BPF_BUFSIZE=4194304
# Interfaces to bond BRO_BPFBOND_FLAGS="em0 em1"
# diskspace management settings # Should I manage diskspace BRO_DISKSPACE_ENABLE="YES"
# percent full to worry about BRO_DISKSPACE_PCT=90
# account watching disk space BRO_DISKSPACE_WATCHER="root"
# days before deleting old logs BRO_DAYS_2_DELETION=45
# days before compressing logs BRO_DAYS_2_COMPRESSION=20
# Bulk data capture settings # Buld data directory BRO_BULK_DIR="/usr/local/bro/bulk-trace"
# Capture filter for bulk data BRO_BULK_CAPTURE_FILTER=""
# days before deleting bulk data BRO_BULK_DAYS_2_DELETION=4
# days before compressing bulk data BRO_BULK_DAYS_2_COMPRESSION=2
# location of sorted log files, needed by Brooery BROOERY_LOGS="/usr/local/bro/sorted-logs" ---------------------------------- 8< -------------------------------------
配置完成以后,使用 bro.rc 脚本启动:
[root@redhat7 etc]# ./bro.rc start bro.rc: Running as non-root user root bro.rc: Starting ............. SUCCESS
Bro就此开始监听网卡,执行脚本进行检测,在 $BROHOME/logs 目录下可以看到生成的日志文件,ps 可以看到进程。
“bro.rc checkpoint”命令重载配置文件: [root@redhat7 etc]# ./bro.rc checkpoint bro.rc: Running as non-root user root bro.rc: Beginning the checkpoint process bro.rc: Starting a new Bro instance. bro.rc: Will wait for 20 seconds before stopping the old Bro instance.
“bro.rc stop”命令终止Bro: [root@redhat7 etc]# ./bro.rc stop bro.rc: Running as non-root user root bro.rc: Stopping ... SUCCESS !
规则配置 --------
从检测的实现方式上来说,Bro与商业的NIDS产品NFR非常相似,采用专用的脚本对网络流量进行分析,因此具有几乎无限的灵活性,当然代价是脚本维护的复杂性。为了能快速地扩展检测能力、方便管理,检测一些简单的单包攻击,Bro 0.8及以后版本引入了规则匹配机制,与Snort类似,Bro可以支持一些包特征的定义,对符合定义的报文触发告警。规则定义存放在规则文件中,Bro可以被配置成读取规则文件中的规则,对网络报文进行匹配。
要使能Bro的规则匹配特性,修改 bro.cfg 文件,指定 BRO_START_POLICY 变量的值为 local.lite.bro ,同时对此脚本做些修改,默认的 local.lite.bro 脚本内容如下:
---------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------- # $Id: local.lite.bro,v 1.7 2005/03/20 06:51:11 vern Exp $
# This file is intended for host-specific Bro policy.
# What is host-specific? It can be anything that is not the default # after installation. This is the place to make tweaks and changes # to modify policy to suit your network environment and preferences.
# The following causes Bro to load local.XXX.bro anytime you # "@load XXX" (along with first loading XXX.bro). # @prefixes = local
@load brolite # root policy which loads all other default policies.
# File generated by the network script for dynamic configuration of # the local network subnets. @load site
# Make any changes to policy starting HERE:
# To run signatures, uncomment the following line. # @load brolite-sigs
@ifdef ( use_signatures ) # Load Bro signatures. This is the default file containing Bro # signatures. redef signature_files += "signatures"; @endif ---------------------------------- 8< -------------------------------------
默认的 local.lite.bro 脚本加载了 brolite.bro,也就是说会启动大多数Bro工具自带的检测脚本,但没有打开规则匹配支持,要使能规则匹配:
1. 去掉 “# @load brolite-sigs” 行的注释 2. 修改倒数第二行 “redef signature_files += "signatures";”,指定规则文件。规则文件必须在BROPATH指定的搜索路径中,文件名必须以“.sig”结尾,local.lite.bro 中默认指定为“signatures”,它指的是 $BROHOME/site 目录中默认安装的 signature.sig 文件,此文件中的大多数攻击特征定义转换自Snort的规则。用户可以指定自己规则文件,要增加规则文件,只需增加一行“redef signature_files += another-signature.sig”类似的代码即可。另外一个指定的规则文件的方法是使用“-s”参数,编辑 bro.cfg 文件,在BRO_OPTS环境变量中增加类似“-s another-signature.sig”的选项。
1. 去掉 “# @load brolite-sigs” 行的注释 2. 注释掉“@load brolite”行 3. 在“@load brolite-sigs”行前插入“@load software”
与Snort不同,Bro的规则匹配提供了一些高级特性,在“Bro:一个开放源码的高级NIDS系统”中已有所提及,计划在此系列的下一篇详细介绍Bro的规则。 |