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技术文档 > VB文档 > 系统控制
发表日期:2003-07-02 00:00:00作者:s 出处:  


option explicit

type large_integer

  lowpart as long

  highpart as long

end type

public declare function queryperformancecounter lib "kernel32" _

    (lpperformancecount as large_integer) as long

public declare function queryperformancefrequency lib "kernel32" _

    (lpfrequency as large_integer) as long

public declare function timesetevent lib "winmm.dll" (byval udelay as long, byval _

    uresolution as long, byval lpfunction as long, byval dwuser as long, _

    byval uflags as long) as long

public declare function timekillevent lib "winmm.dll" (byval uid as long) as long

public declare function gettickcount lib "kernel32" () as long

public lmsfreq as long

public timercount as single

public lmmcount as single

public ltimeid as long

public acttime1 as long

public acttime2 as long

public icountstart as single

dim icount as single

'注释: timesetevent的回调函数

sub timeproc(byval uid as long, byval umsg as long, byval dwuser as long, _

  byval dw1 as long, byval dw2 as long)


  form1.text2.text = format$(lmmcount, "00.00")

  lmmcount = lmmcount - 0.01

  if lmmcount <= 0 then

    icountstart = 60

    lmmcount = 60

    timercount = 60


  end if

end sub

sub endcount()

  icount = icountstart

  icountstart = 0

  timekillevent ltimeid

  acttime2 = gettickcount - acttime1

  with form1

    .command1.enabled = true

    .command2.enabled = false

    .timer1.enabled = false


    .text1 = "计数器记时" + format$((60 - icount), "00.00") + " " _

        + "实际经过时间" + format$((acttime2 / 1000), "00.00")

    .text2 = "计数器记时" + format$((60 - lmmcount), "00.00") + " " _

        + "实际经过时间" + format$((acttime2 / 1000), "00.00")

    .text3 = "计数器记时" + format$((60 - timercount), "00.00") + " " _

        + "实际经过时间" + format$((acttime2 / 1000), "00.00")

  end with

end sub

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