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安全防线 > 口令破解
发表日期:2006-02-21 06:36:30文件大小:69.59 K 下载次数:9955  

文件大小:69.59 K
下载说明: PwDump4.02 - dump winnt/2000 user/password hash remote or local. -- bingle@email.com.cn I do some improve with pwdump3 to pwdump4: 1. You can use any share just u have write access. provide /s: argument. 3. Use named pipe to get result. 2. No way to avoid, for only lsass.exe have prevelige to access sam. 4. when run locally, use the work flow of pwdump2. provide /l argument. 5. pwdump3.exe & pwservice.exe --> pwdump4.exe 6. You can rename the exe & dll & service name as your wish. USAGE: PWDUMP4 [Target | /l] [/s:share] [/o:outputFile] [/u:userName] [Target] -- Target Computer's ip or name to work, [/l] -- works on local Computer. [/s:share] -- share to use to copy files on. [/o:outputFile] -- Result filename for output. [/u:userName] -- UserName used to connect to target, provider password later. [/r[:newname]] -- Rename the files to 'newname' when copy to the target, rename service name also, see FAQ for more.

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