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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 系统控制
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:51175 下载次数:2352  

代码说明: 内存泄露追踪器 Memory Leaks Tracker 001.Use of it is very simple - include MemDebug.pas to first line of your project's uses clause. You will need also to enable detailed map in project/options/linker. Compile your project. Run MS WinDbg (available for free download on http://www.microsoft.com/msdn/downloads/ and select programm/open/new/ . Afterexecuting you will see string "Dumping memory leaks" and some addresses from top of stack" in form .[]. in command window of WinDbg.


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