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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 系统控制
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:18874 下载次数:1629  

代码说明: 结束窗口工作的程序 This program is intended for terminating a work of Windows. When starting with the key /tray, program is adding icon in tray area, under double striking to which occurs automatic Shutdown of Windows. When striking a right of key, appears a contextual menu from which possible to choose several modes of exiting from Windows. Also extended mode under which possible automatically close all programs, without query on exit. Useful, when program hung and not possible its take away by CTRL+ALT+DEL. Program is automatically start at Windows boot. This option possible to canceled. Just start program without parameters and change settings. Program supports two languages English and Russian. Choice occurs automatically


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