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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 网络编程
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:13298 下载次数:1849  

代码说明: 压缩HTML文件的专门软件 HTML Compressor is indended for compressing of HTML files, resulting in shorter downloading time. Your pages will appear in exactly the same way in your browser, but they will be about 20-25% smaller. Compressor removes all information used for editing in the HTML file. This information is unneeded for viewing the HTML file but is simply used to make its editing a lot easier. Compressing options: Replace simple tags ("strong" to "b" and "em" to "i", etc. Put tag "center" instead of "p align" Remove superflious inverted commas in tags Remove superflious spaces Remove superflious returns Remove all returns Remove Front Page's "!--webbot span..." tags


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