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运用Web Page Optimizer最优化网页
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:373386 下载次数:2121  

代码说明: 运用Web Page Optimizer最优化网页 Web Page Optimizer is a special utility to optimize your web pages by removing the wasted space, unneded or long tags and delete or replace them. WPO can give you up to 40% optimization for pages edited by visual HTML builders and 30% for pages edited manually. Fully customizable database. It also searches your page for broken links and lets you to: Delete them or Edit manually. Now in addition to all features in previous version WPO searches for non existing files linked on your web page, performs auto-search for missing file on local drives and move/copy the file to the correct location or automatically fix the link to match the file's current location


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