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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 数据报表
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:1826109 下载次数:2526  

代码说明: SQL TestBech is a freeware utility written for Delphi developers who want to explore the SQL functionality and speed of DBISAM V2.05 compared to other BDE alternatives like Advantage ALS and ADS 5.7 as well as BDE/Paradox itself. SQL TestBench features the authentic Elevate Software Query Performance Benchmarks and a suite of other SQL Tests: SQL Center Run your own queries Run any of the 25 Query Performance Benchmarks queries Save SQL scripts to disk Load SQL scripts from disk Every query operation is timed Test Center Create Test Data Query Performance Test Live Append Test SQL Insert Test SQL Update Test SQL Delete Test Plain Traversal Test Extended Traversal Test Some developers might be interested in reviewing the following design/coding techniches: All data components are instantiated at run time from data classes. All query operations are threaded 操作Sql数据库


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