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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 数据报表
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:75836 下载次数:1822  

代码说明: Useful Delphi Utilities and components This is Freeware utility developed in Delphi 5. Components used : MSDBMemo.pas : Component to edit memo content with Zoomed window by double click on it. MSRichEd.pas : Component to edit memo content with Zoomed window by double click on it. FindDlg.pas : Component search through out all columns in a table. DBCustCB.pas : Component to display records of assigned table to select perticular record. CustGrid : Component displays records of table, user can select multiple record by holding SHIFT and PGDN / PGUP and a property RowsMark to mark rows at a time. If mouse double click or ENTER key on Memo field or column displays content of memo, if the memo content is RTF then displays in RichText format otherwise normal text. CustQR : Custom QuickReport Component, where controls are aligned (designe/run time) automatically when page size is changed (report will print in selected page size) 开发数据库非常有用的工具和元件


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