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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 数据报表
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:560546 下载次数:1706  

代码说明: 打印Borland公司不太支持的RichText文档 The printing of "Richtext" (RTF) textual documents is not well supported by Borland in the, as a part of Delphi delivered, RichEdit component. The adjusting of paper margins, text of the title, page numbers, border lines, logo of a firm and print preview is missing.In order to lift these shortcomings I have written a special non-visible RichPrinter component. Every type of font in every colour, size and style can everywhere be printed on the page with the aid of the component. Further there can be placed a bitmap logo everywhere on the paper page. On a printer preview can been shown on screen how the pages will look as they will be printed on paper. The components are rather simple to use and therefore the usability of help-pages is limited. The component has three important functions: Adjusting printing pages margins, orientation and paper format Print preview Printing the RichText to the printer Supports both the normal RichEdit and the RichEditEx components.


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