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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:3307 下载次数:3316  

代码说明: 把数据库中的数据转化为tabular格式 This component transforms database data into a "tabular" format. This component is not data-aware (it would be nice, but complex). Example: The data in your table might be from a school gradebook, like: Joe,85,Test 1 Joe,90,Test 2 Fred,80,Test 1 Fred,85,Test 2 Steve,92,Test 1 Steve,91,Test 2 ...this component re-orients the data into a format of: Test1 Test2 Joe 85 90 Fred 80 85 Steve 92 91


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