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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:616329 下载次数:3225  

代码说明: 数据集分类改变和查询 Changing of dataset sorting and search for records TEtvDBSortingCombo component allows to change the order of records in the dataset, including SQL datasets (such as TQuery). The user can define the list of sorting criteria. List of available sorting criteria may be taken from Items property, when property SelfList=true; Index list - for the TTable and similar datasets with the IndexFields property; SortingList property of datasets. TEtvFindDlg component can search for records by using sorting fields, including SQL datasets (such as TQuery). It shows a dialog with controls for input of search values. Parameters "Case sensitive" and "Full coincidence" are used. It can look for nearest records.


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