Innerfuse Script,Freeware Pascal/Delphi scriptengine, new version.
- Calculation
- Standard types: Byte, Shortint, Char, Word, SmallInt,
- Standard types: Cardinal, Longint, Integer, String, Real,
- Standard types: Double, Single, Extended, Comp, Boolean
- Array(dynamic; 0 based)
- Assignments (a:=b;)
- If Then Else
- For/To/Downto/Do
- While/Begin/End
- Case x Of/End
- Repeat/Until
- External Procedure/Function calls
- Variable parameters for internal and extenal functions.
- Internal Procedure/Functions
- Internal Procedure calls from outside the script
- Standard library (Copy, Insert, Delete, StrToInt etc...)
- Constants
- Exit
- Break
- Uses (One uses can only be added once)
- Documentation and examples