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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:300557 下载次数:1824  

代码说明: JCL is a free code library Project JEDI is pleased to announce Beta 1 of its JEDI Code Library (JCL). JCL is a free code library for all Delphi programmers. The spectrum reaches from the very popular functions for string manipulation, MAPI, NTFS and graphics up to the increasingly important functions for Unicode support. Since the JCL is published under the Mozilla Public License it can also freely be used in commercial projects. The JCL is an excellent example of what Charlie Calvert has expressed in his Web article "If we combine our dispersed resources, and work together, some wonderful things could come out". Please also join our developer mailing list or the announce-only mailing list The JCL Team JCL是一个自由代码库


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