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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:44839 下载次数:1564  

代码说明: The aim of this Component is to provide the Delphi Programmers an easy way to implement QueryByForm sort of feature in their programs. That is, as the user works witha form designed by you a Delphi programmer, the user can on the fly during run-time see the data you present as per his requirements. For instance your form may provideemployee-details . The user who is browsing through the data may want to see all the Male Employees from one particular Country. Usually you will have to provide forsuch Queries by providing some button and writing code. 为delphi程序员提供一个容易的方法来执行QueryByForm搜索


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