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象office 2000一样的新的向导,目的是为Delphi开发员提供一个方便的途径来与最终的用户交流
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:27424 下载次数:1752  

代码说明: Wizard 97 is a Office 2000 look-a-like for the new wizard implementation. The intention of this component is to privide Delphi developers with a conveinient way to interact with end-users, the way MS does it in their own software. Information on the subject can be found on the developers site from Microsoft. 象office 2000一样的新的向导,目的是为Delphi开发员提供一个方便的途径来与最终的用户交流


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