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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:536619 下载次数:1760  

代码说明: Make Update and Update are a set of applications to update an older version of a file (or files) to a newer version. They work by finding just the differences between the two versions and applying those differences to the older version. This is especially useful when you need to maintain common versions of large files at remote locations and the differences between the two versions is small. Another use is to "patch" files or applications - that is, to provide updates of files (e.g, applications) to current users without making the contents of the entire files available to others. New in this version: Can add new files or delete old (obsolete) files. Sets the time and date of updated or added files match the original files. Supports an auto-updating system, where some Auto-Updating applications on start-up test if there are pending updates (one or more), and prompt the user to say "Yes" or "No" to run an automatic upddate. Many more... 更新软件的版本,其原理是找到两个版本的区别,并把这些差异施加到旧版本上。


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