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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:9070 下载次数:2224  

代码说明: The Delphi TList and TStringList classes are an essential part of the Delphi programmer's toolkit but they have a couple of limitations. One is their severely restricted capacity in Delphi 1. Another stems from their tendency to fragment the heap, eventually leading to poor performance. The TQList and TQStringList classes hold up to a quarter of a billion items (memory permitting!) and do so with much reduced memory fragmentation. Generally operations that cause the lists to grow are faster with QLists. The trade off is with the access time. TQList is about 4x slower than TList and TQStringList about 2X slower than TStringLIst. Once, however, the extra overhead of actually manipulating the data you have stored is included the difference is less signficant. 扩展了Tlist和TStringList的功能


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