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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:113769 下载次数:1776  

代码说明: 脱离delphi应用程序和过期应用普通DLL。 The Package Solution is for all those that have gone beyond the limits of Delphi Applications and are exhausted using normal DLL's that load them self into memory upon execution. The steps to follow when you application gets rather large are the runtime creation of forms or the use of DLL's. However the problem still remains. All information available within your application is residing inside your memory and therefore will block your PC from performing at its best. The package solution is the answer that you have been waiting for if you find yourself in this situation or you know that you will be. Packages are Delphi Add-Ons that install themself into Delphi whenever you want to add your own components. If you want to free them then you simply dispose these Packages by uninstalling them. However until now we have not seen a basic solution for our own software and therefore its been quiet a problem implementing things properly


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