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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:60045 下载次数:1693  

代码说明: 分析delphi2.0-5.0单元,转变他们的信息 This program can parse the Delphi 2.0-5.0 units (DCU) and convert their information into the close to Pascal form. DCU32INT stands for DCU32 INTerface, because the program can't extract the complete Pascal source, but the extracted unit interface is almost correct (with some restrictions). Besides from the unit interface, the DCU32INT utility extracts the unit implementation part and disassembles the code of procedures using a very basic i80x86 disassembler. This program have passed successfully the "parse all .\LIB" test for all the supported by it Delphi versions, i.e. it have parsed all units in the \LIB directory with no errors reported


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